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Wei ying was surprised " you talked about your nieces you meant lan zhan and xichen gege"
Uncle qiren nodded his head lightly.
"You silly boy , what did i tell you?You never listen to me!!"jiang cheng said angirly as he stood beside him.
"You yelled at me .I will forgive you if you give me a hug"wei ying pouted weakly.
"As i need your forgiveness " jiang cheng said.He bend over and hugged wei ying gently as not to touch his wounds and wei ying could not move either.
As his head was resting on Wei ying's shoulder,
Wei ying felt wetness on his shoulder.
"Hey jiang cheng let me see you for a moment"
But jiang cheng didn't allow him.
"You dumb boy!!why did you do that??Why did you take the bullets instead of me??I thought i lost you again.Never do it again.I swear i will break your legs if you are gonna act on your own again."jiang cheng was sobbing.
Wei ying patted Jiang cheng's head with his own free hand.
"How could i let something happen to you?you are my dear brother.Your life has become hell because of me.I am sorry."wei ying's tears  streamed nonstop.
When jiang yanli saw that scene her eyes were also teary.Jin zixuan came forward and grabbed her hand softly to comfort her.When jiang cheng calmed down himself ,he pulled back ,wei ying wiped Jiang cheng's face gently.Jiang cheng also did the same for him.They both chuckled.
Suddenly,wei ying saw jin zixuan "hey jin zixuan stay away few steps from my sister.You have not aske for her formally yet!"Wei ying was joking with him suddenly he stopped laughing and asked "Where is Ayuan??Is he alone at home?were not you supposed to be with him at home??" Wei ying asked worriedly.
"Lan zhan grabbed his hand and squeezed it to divert his attention to himself.
"Don't worry , he is here.I took him here when you were unconscious."lan zhan looked warmly at him.
"Who is ayuan?"jiang cheng asked curiously.
"You will know him when he come"wei ying said teasingly.
After a while ,ayuan was taken to the room.As soon as he saw wei ying,he rushed toward him
"Father!!father!!"Ayuan cried innocently.
Wei ying tried to sat but he couldn't so lan zhan helped him.Wei ying opened his arms and Ayuan hugged him tightly.Accidentally,ayuan had touched his wound and wei ying gasped at its pain.Lan zhan wanted to take ayuan away as his weight might put pressure on wei ying but wei ying saw his child was worried about him so he signed lan zhan not to react as he had bend down wanting to take ayuan.Ayuan put his head between wei ying's shoulder and neck crying.
"They told me i can not see you because you are injured."Ayuan said.
Wei ying endured the pain and hold his head with one hand and rubbed his back warmly.
"I am sorry my child.You can see me anytime you want.Forgive your father for leaving you today.hmm?"wei ying's eyes were teary again.
Ayuan nodded slightly his head and wei ying kissed his hair.He pulled his head back and kissed his forehead.Then he turned to frozen jiang cheng who watched whole scene and couldn't understand who this child is?.
"Ayuan why don't you say hello to your uncle cheng?"wei ying faced ayuan toward jiang cheng.
"Wei ying what the hell are you doing?who is this child?"Jiang cheng shouted with frown.
Ayuan got scared and hugged his father again.
"Hey don't shout you are scaring my child,he is my child ,your niece,ayuan!"wei ying looked at him aggressively cause he made Ayuan scared.
Jiang cheng came forward "sorry ayuan I didn't want to scare you .will you forgive me?"jiang chenged talked to him softly .
Ayuan turned his head toward him and saw he was now calm then he turned his head to his father .Wei ying shook his head as a positive response to forgive jiang cheng and ayuan said cutely"Okey"
Wei ying hold him again toward jiang cheng
"Don't you want to hug him?"he asked jiang cheng.
He came forward and took ayuan gently.
"Uncle cheng"ayuan said adorably and  stole jiang cheng's heart.Jiang cheng kissed his cheek and told him happily "yes ayuan,uncle cheng will give you anything .What you want ?just tell uncle cheng"Jiang cheng was charmed by him as he was talking sweetly to this little cute boy.
"Hey you never treat me like that!"wei ying pouted adorably.
"He is so cute.You are not sweet at all"jian cheng growled at him and didn't pay attention to wei ying anymore as his focus was on little ayuan.
Wei ying leaned back and pouted like a child.
"Wei ying is sweet and lovely"Lan zhan said looking directly at wei ying's eyes.
Wei ying blushed when he saw lan zhan's gaze and heared him calling him sweet.
"Lan zhaaan!!!My heart can't take it anymore!"wei ying protested looking back with his sky blue reflecting love.Jiang cheng twisted his face's muscles at their lovely dovely sight.
"Wei ying should rest"lan zhan declared as he wanted them to leave the room.
"Wei ying we are staying for a while in guest rooms here.If you need anything inform us" jiang yanli said as he kissed his brother's forehead.
Then she went out with jin zixuan.Uncle and lan xichen called lan wangji and told him not to allow wei ying move from his bed .
Jiang cheng took ayuan near wei ying and after wei ying kissed Ayuan's forehead passionately they left the room.Now only Wei ying and lan zhan were staying alone.
Lan zhan took his hand and kissed it softly.wei ying blushed"I love you"lan zhan said warmly.
Wei ying's heart beat increased and he was feeling shy."lan zhan,i like you,i fancy you,i want you,i love you,i whatever you, i want no one but you"wei ying tried to hug him but lan zhan came forward and hugged him immediately.
Wei ying was crying on his chest"i thought i could never see you again lan zhan you don't know how much my heart ache at thought of not seeing you again"
Lan zhan hold him tighter and kissed his hair.
"I won't allow anything happen to you i will protect you with my all power."lan zhan assured him.

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