I want to see you now

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A while before wei ying rushing
Ayuan was walking up and down stairs.When he was running down stairs near the floor he missed
the stair accidentally and fell down.Leader jiang who had entered saw him fell and went near him helping him stand up.who was this little child?
What was he doing here?.
As he wanted to ask the boy,he saw wei ying rushing.When wei ying reached little ayuan ,he bend down and kneeled infront of ayuan and hold him tightly. "what happened?ayuan?"wei ying patted his hair repeatedly to calm him.But ayuan was not stopping crying.
Then he pulled his face a little far away.He kissed Ayuan's forehead "my child, my lovely ayuan tell father what happened ?hmm.He moved his hand like a circle at Ayuan's back.After some time ,it seemed that ayuan calmed down and stopped crying"i hurt..my...leg"ayuan finally talked.
Wei ying asked"which one?"
"This one" ayuan showed his left leg.
Wei ying lowere his head and kissed it
"It will get well soon,my ayuan is strong he won't cry anymore.hmm?"
"Hmm"ayuan said adorably.
Ayuan stopped crying completely and wei ying wiped his face gentely then kissed his cheeks passionately.He then noticed his father standing there whole time as he was so worried about ayuan that he didn't notice his father.
Wei ying picked his son and hold him tightly.
"Father"wei ying said briefly
"I don't remember you having a child?"
"He is my child.I adopted him.I won't leave him"
He hold Ayuan's head on his chest.
"You are a good father"then he walked up the stairs .wei ying was shocked , he was waiting for him to disapprove .
"Who was that man?"ayuan snapped him out of his thoughts.
"My father and your grandfather"
They aaid their goodbyes to jiang yanli and went home.

Wei ying had commanded his subordinates and they were prepared for the attack.They had some time before departing.The jin's headquarter was located in another small city and they should leave early.As jiang cheng didn't know and shouldn't know wei ying was helping him or he would got angry.Wei ying thought he could see lan zhan one more time.
He called lan zhan.
"Hi lan zhan ,can i meet you outside now?"wei ying talked quietly unlike everytime calling his name loudly.
"Mn" lan zhan was worried about him.It wasn't the usual wei ying.
"I will send you the address"
"Okey, waiting for wei ying"
Wei ying sent the address and got prepared quickly.When he reached there he saw lan zhan was already standing there."Lan zhan is fast" he murmured.
As he got closer to him, lan zhan sat his eyes on him and stared at him with love.Now,wei ying noticed this look meant love not look of a friend.
He stand in front of lan zhan but lan zhan's stare made him blush and look down.Lan zhan thought that he was blessed to have such beautiful person standing infront of him blushing cutely.Wei ying was truly like an angel without wings.He was the kindest and the most beautiful person.Lan zhan could look at him and be drown in his blue eyes forever.Wei ying couldn't take his burning gaze full of love.He shyly grabbed lan zhan's hand and squeezed it a little unable to talk.His touch distracted lan zhan and lan zhan now diverted his look down on their linked hands.Wei ying breathed out that he wasn't under that burning gaze but now he was blushing seeing lan zhan smiling at their hands.Their hands looked perfect and fit with each other like wise they had been made just for each other.As he wanted to take his hand out lan zhan held his hand tightly and didn't allow the warm hands to leave his hands.
"Lan zhaan!!"wei ying pouted shyly.
Lan zhan looked and just listened to his voice , not missing any of his words.
"Let's walk to somewhere quieter"
Lan zhan walked while their hands were intertwined.
" lan zhan,i wanted to tell you something.I will go out of city today for solving some problems.I wanted to see you before going.I-I .. may not be able to see you again.Don't ask me that i can't tell but i have one request."
"What request?"lan zhan asked
After seeing wei ying's internal struggling to tell
"I will grant your every wish or request.I will be happy if you ask me for anything "lan zhan rubbed gently wei ying's linked hand with other hand.
Wei ying blushed"can ..you..can..I kiss you?"
Lan zhan froze at his request.
"If you don't want it I won-"
Wei ying was stopped by his lips.He didn't expect lan zhan kissing him.lan zhan put his palms on wei ying's both cheeks , started moving his lips and suking wei ying's lips passionately.It was
gentle at first but as he tasted his sweet lips he was more hungry.He wanted something more than just his lips,so he licked wei ying's lips with his tongue somehow asked for permission to enter .Wei ying could not resist his love and took apart his lips ,an acceptation for him to touch every corner of his mouth.lan zhan gladly entered his tongue in his mouth and tasted every part of his sweetness.Their tongues were battling .They stayed like that until wei ying gasped for air as he was breathless.He clenched lan zhan's cloth and tried to let him know he can't take anymore.Lan zhan noticed and parted his lips ,forehead resting against forehead seeking for breath.Love was reflecting in his eyes and wei ying's eye shined brightly.After wei ying got his breath lan zhan took his hand and dragged him behind the tall grasses,good place for hiding,making him sat on his lap "i love you"lan zhan said firmly full of love as he really meant every word.Then he kissed wei ying again wholeheartedly .Wei ying thought at how he could kiss anyone so skillfully
"Be honest.how can you kiss so good?How many time have you kissed before?wei ying broke the kiss asked teasingly.
"Wei ying is the first."lan zhan blushed.
Wei ying felt the joy full his heart"it is also my first time being kissed like this"
"No,it isn't the first"lan zhan confessed looking down.
"I kissed you when you was sleep.I know i had made mistake .I should not have force-"
This time it was lan zhan being stopped by wei ying's soft lips.wei ying bit down his bottom lip slightly making him snap out of his guilt thoughts.Soon ,lan zhan took the lead and kissed his passionately,making wei ying feel dizzy.
Before breaking the kiss ,lan zhan playfully bit down his bottom lip,making it bleeding a little and wei ying gasping.Then , he licked the blood and started suking that part gently.
They enjoyed each other's presence for a while.
Wei ying had limited time.
"Goodbye,my love"wei ying kissed his forehead,his nose,his cheeks ,finally kissed his lips wholeheartedly while tears streaming from his eyes.It was like it will be the last time and lan zhan didn't like seeing him cry so he wiped it gently "i promise i will protect you forever"
Lan zhan said lovely.

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