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A knock on the door made lan zhan awake.They have been sleeping for a few hours.wei ying was sleeping innocently in his embrace.He was truly breathtaking beauty.lan zhan sat up and pulled the blanket over wei ying's bare chest more.
Lan xichen was worried about his brother but when he saw Wei ying went after him, he decided to talk with him another time.He opened the door to see his brother sitting shirtless with asleep wei ying in his embrace.He smiled at how grown and manly his brother has become.
"Brother,are you okey?you were angry "
Lan xichen asked him worried for his brother.
Unlike others he could read his brother easily.
"I love him I don't want to lose him.He is my life but he doesn't want to tell me his pains not to burden or worry me .It hurts so much that i am incapable as his lover so he can't share his burden with me."Lan zhan shed a tear.He wiped it quickly.
"He loves you so much brother.You can see his eyes shine and he smiles brightly when he saw you.when you left he was sighing desperately.He said he couldn't get under surgery cause he had some important matters to take care and he can't risk it.but he was frustrated from other side as he couldn't stop making you worry.Trust me he will open his heart to you completely.Give him some time and show your love to hi-"lan xichen was stopped by a shout from jiang cheng.
Jiang cheng was after lan xichen as he wanted to check the jin's ruined headquarter further more .he could not do it personally with his subordinates yesterday but when he was talking about it with lan xichen,he offered to check it with jiang cheng together.Now he couldn't delay it anymore.He asked a maid "where is lan xichen?"
"He went to master lan wangji's room"
Jiang cheng knew wei ying definitely was also there and his anger rise at thought of Wei ying's annoying behavior and he hadn't talked with him about it yet.He stormed of there.At his sudden entrance wei ying who was sleeping peacefully woke up hastily.He received a glare from lan zhan as his beloved one waken up.Wei ying was waken up and sat suddenly,removing the blanket .Lan xichen blushed seeing his bare chest and neck full of red marks that were certainly his brother's masterpiece.Jiang chenged gasped and got more angry"wei ying!! you are shameless .Is it time for these things??"Then jiang chenged turned to lan zhan"And you,don't force yourself to my brother or do anything despite his consent!!"
Wei ying who had not realized why they were making a big fuss over?, he asked jiang cheng"what is it?what are you doing here?"
Jiang cheng growled"First put something on"
"Cheng cheng we were always shirtless at home why are you making a fuss?"Wei ying teased him.
"Shameless cover your marks before anyone comes"Jiang cheng sighed at his silly brother.
Wei ying looked down at his body to know why jiang cheng was calling him shameless to see his body full of red marks .Lan zhan pulled him back and covered his body with blancket not allowing them to look at his wei ying anymore.
Wei ying now was blushing.
"What do you want?"wei ying asked his brother.
"I just wanted to ask lan xichen accompany me to jin's headquarter.We should check there personally."
"I will come too, my subordinates must be there now.I can't delay them anymore "wei ying told him stubbornly.
He received a stare from lan zhan and jiang cheng.
"Of course i will go with lan zhan "Wei ying corrected hurriedly.
Now lan zhan had a smile and there was not any frown.They decided to visit there together.
They reached there.Nie huaisang was giving orders to subordinates.But that subordinates were not obeying him , staying as solid as they could unmoving.Wei ying saw his subordinates not paying attention to anyone except himself or wen ning and making Nie Huaisang sigh repeatedly.
He walk ahead toward them.As soon as the subordinates saw him they turned toward him and bowed.One of them as a representative came forward asked him"Leader!We have not received any orders from you and we were worried "
Wei ying patted his shoulder"thanks for your concern , have you checked cautiously?"
"Leader, we noticed jin's leader and a woman with few other major ones were able to run away.
We tracked them and reached Wen clan."
Wei ying's faced pale as he could guess who was that woman, he didn't want to think about it for now,he believed in his mother but his father and siblings didn't.He clenched his fists knowing he was so near to her and now it wasn't easy to find her.He should meet her and ask her himself.
"Leader !"
Wei ying was taken back from his thoughts.He looked at the subordinate who was calling him repeatedly "what did you say?
"Leader you look pale are you okey?
"Yeah i am fine go on"
"What should we do ?should we com back to headquarter or follow them closely?"
Wei ying taped rhythmic on his own arm,it was a sign and wei ying's clan was professional in working with signs.Wei ying signed him to visit him privately by moving his hands in special rhythm as that subordinate was his left hand he noticed immediately that he should not make it obvious and visit him secretly as soon as possible.
Wei ying just said it casually "You all have been working so long take everyone back.Did you understand?"referring as he noticed the sign.
"Yes leader!!"
"What has they found?"jiang cheng asked curiously.
"Jin's leader and some other major ones have ran to wen clan."wei ying didn't mention the woman part deliberately.
"We should find everyone of them and killed them immediately "jiang cheng growled.
"Jiang cheng!!it is not necessarily to kill everyone of them we should check maybe someone is forced or innocent"wei ying said angrily for the first time.
"Wei ying!why are you defending them ?All of them are jin's dogs,there should not be any mercy!!If i see any of them i swear i will kill them"jiang cheng argued.
"No!Stop talking like that!"wei ying looked hurt.
"Wei ying have you forget what happened to your heart?They did all of those evil works i can not forgive them"jiang cheng got angry seeing him defending jins.
Wei ying didn't know how he could prevent his brother .If he start attacking Wen clan, he would definitely encounter her.So he should confirm some matters with her mother first but jiang Cheng could not take this matter and he would get mad.
"Sorry don't be angry but let me investigate and track them okey?just give a month."wei ying tried to convince him.He should buy some time first for himself.jiang cheng thought it was somehow fishy but nodded his head.Lan zhan and lan xichen could even feel something was off.
They returned back after finishing .Ayuan was waiting for them impatiently at the entrance.As soon as he saw wei ying he ran cutely toward him.Wei ying bend down and opened his arms.
Ayuan jumped to his embrace and started giggling when wei ying kissed him repeatedly all over his face.They both laughed happily.
"My lovely child how were you doing when we were gone?"wei ying kissed his forehead passionately.
"Father i missed you and papa but they told me you were out and i should wait,i played with aunt yanli and i was a good boy"Ayuan adorably said.
Then while he was in wei ying's embrace he turned toward lan zhan who was watching them with smile "papa hold me"lan zhan took ayuan and hugged him.Ayuan put his head in lan zhan's neck saying"papa,i want to play "
Lan zhan kissed him "Mn.will play"
Ayuan yawned loudly ,feeling sleepy,felt lan zhan's warmth and his hand rubbing his back,fell sleep immediately.
"He must have been tired,let's take him to our room."

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