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Wei ying got distracted numerous time , when they were having lunch or in other classes he would get into deep thought and wouldn't notice his surroundings.Finally,one of the strict professor that would always praise wei ying's intelligence and hardworks called his name multiple times but didn't receive any answer, wen ning and lan zhan called him worriedly before the professor got angry with him,but his thought was so gloomy and he was himself was worried about something else.

When he looked up to his angry teacher ,he knew he was doomed.
"Out now" the professor told him.
His classmates were expecting him to joke like always and please the professor not to get him out of the class as usual however this time he got up silently and left.

Everyone even his professor who was sure that now he should listen to absurd words that were trying to convince him were all in shock.What has happened to this always laughing boy?lan zhan got out of the class after him immediately.

He saw wei ying exiting the college and walking to the other side the street, head and shoulder a little down.A car was riding toward him rapidly .lan zhan rushed toward him shouting his name "WEI YING!!!"
The car saw wei ying and tried to stop the car.
Wei ying looked back and then saw the car trying to stop he was shocked and was stuck to the floor,
could not move slightest.Suddenly, lan zhan reached to him and pulled him back.
The car passed from where wei ying was standing a second later.

Wei ying was trembling in lan zhan's embrace.Their chest was against each other,lan zhan was hugging him so tightly that was afraid to let go of him for a second.Their loud heartbeats could be heared.Wei ying thought if lan zhan was second later he would have died by now,what would have happen to Ayuan?,he hasn't confessed to lan zhan yet,
This thoughts made him tremble more and hug lan zhan tightly.

Lan zhan could feel his own heartbeat beating loudly,he hasn't been this scared in his life,he didn't want to think what would happen if he was a moment later.Lan zhan felt wei ying's body trembling and a wetness on his shoulder.He took him out of his embrace a little to see his face.

Wei ying was crying ,he wiped his face "relax ,calm down"he said while patting his hair,but he was still trembling.Lan zhan didn't know what should he do more to calm him, he leaned forward a little and kissed wei ying's forehead and his lips touched his pale skin longer.

Wei ying was shocked by lan zhan's action that stoped crying or trembling and froze.
When lan zhan felt his calmness he took his own face backward and looked at his love's puppy eyes that there were some tears left.He wiped them gentely and helped him stand up.
Then he took wei ying as pushing wei ying's weight on himself cause wei ying could hardly walk ,walking toward lan zhan's car.

Lan zhan helped wei ying sit on passenger sit and fastened his belt then started riding toward a silent place.Wei ying had already forgotten the accident and now was blushing because of lan zhan.His thoughs were fighting with each other "maybe he sees you more than a friend,he loves you too"
"No maybe he sees me as a friend and that kiss was a pure friendship kiss ,you can't ruin your friendship with him you should not confess"

When lan zhan unfastened his belt he noticed that they were near a park .He looked at lan zhan and lan zhan only grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the grass and made him to lie there.
To his surprise,lan zhan also lied there with him without any concern about his clothes.
After a while
"Tell me wei ying!what's wrong? Don't say no that I won't believe"lan zhan frowned.
"Nothing important just ..just some family problem "wei ying told him not lying but it wasn't the complete truth.
" i will wait for you to share your problems with me"lan zhan pouted a little.

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