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Lan zhan drove directly to Wei Ying's house.He has never seen inside his house and was a little curious.When they reached,Wei Yin said teasingly
"There is no one at home now we can be alone let's go inside "
Wei Ying was thinking that lan zhan would frown immediately and drive away but to his surprise,
Lan zhan got out of the car and picked up the little Ayuan ,straight to the house.

Wei Ying was shocked until lan zhan turned
"Oh yeah i am coming ,this way"
They entered house and lan zhan was looking to a little messy house with some T-shirts on the sofa.
Wei Ting hastily took the clothes and make space for lan zhan to sit.
" You can sit here ,i am going to shower quick,feel free you can look around the house"He said with wink.

Ayuan grabbed lan zhan's hand and tried to drag him.lan zhan followed Ayuan fondly as he was himself curios.Ayuan walked cutely with little steps to Wei Ying's room that he was currently staying there.With his little hands he pushed the door slightly.Lan zhan saw a room with red and black theme that there was a bed next to the window and a bookshelf  in the corner.

Ayuan stood on top his toes and was trying to grab a book but he couldn't reach.Accidentally,he dropped another book.Lan zhan was picking the book suddenly he saw a picture fell out of it.He took it and saw a boy's picture.

He frowned slightly not knowing why wei ying was keeping another boy's picture inside the book.
"I've finished finally sorry lan zhan to keep you waiting"Wei Ying's voice was nearing.
He immediately put the picture back inside the book and hold Ayuan to help him pick up the book.
Wei Ying entered energetically cause everytime after bath he would feel relieved.
"Is there something wrong?" Wei Ying asked after seeing lan zhan's frown.
"No" lan zhan's mine was so obsessed by that picture that he didn't notice Wei Ying's cloth.

Wei Ying was wearing a big t-shirt it was oversized and you could see his right shoulder,his pale skin was so in the eyes.His hair was wet and it was spreaded around irregularly that showed his face more cute and sexy.As lan zhan raised his head he was shocked at how beautiful a person could be.
"Lan zhan"Wei Ying waved a hand infront of him.
He got out of the shock and nodded his head slightly.
That day both of them spend their time with Ayuan and were so happy.Ayuan wanted lan zhan to come again tomorrow.

Next day,Wei Ying was informed that his brother was going to meet their rival group ,Jin Zixuan, he was so concerned for Jiang Cheng that he decided to follow them.Wen Ning let his sister,Wen Qing, know that Ayuan was alone at home.Wen Qing took care of Ayuan while they were on mission.
"My little Ayuan wait for me and wei gege will come"Wei ying said while kissing his forehead actually Ayuan knew wei Ying's name and said that infront of the lan zhan when they were alone.lan zhan was curious that why wei ying used fake name in college and even didn't tell his real name to him.

Wei Ying
The atmosphere was so intense.Jiang Cheng was personally leading the group to attack one of the headquarters of the Jin's.Along with Jiang Cheng's subordinates Wei ying and wen ning mixed within the group as one of their subordinate.
Flash back
Wei Ying went to one of Jiang Cheng's general that he was close with wei ying.
"Nie Huaisang let me be secretly one of the subordinate you know if Jiang cheng knows i am there he will avoid me definitely.I can't lose my brother." Nie huaisang accepted.
"Just be careful not to expose yourself"
End of the flash back

After numerous hours of fighting,when they were going to smash the enemy completely,suddenly wei ying saw that Jiang Cheng was focused on the front enemies and didn't notice one of the enemy soldier aiming to him.He didn't have much time to attack him , so he threw himself unconsciously infront of Jiang cheng.He shielded himself and as expected he felf a sharp pain on his waist.As he was losing more blood he was feeling more dizzy.

At the moment,wen ning had killed that solider and rushed toward Wei Ying.Nie huaisang saw everything and didn't want wei ying being exposed infront of Jiang cheng and said
"My solider has injured i will take him for treatment"Infront of Jiang Cheng's suspicious eyes,they took wei ying to a car.Wei Ying noticed they wanted to take him to his headquarter
" Wen Qing is at home ahh ... she can ..treat me.take me home "he coughed some blood.
Now his mouth was full of blood and his waist hadn't stopped bleeding.

Lan zhan POV
He decided to go to Wei Ying's house earlier.As he stood infront of his house,he rang the bell and was waiting for hearing wei ying's voice calling him teasingly lan zhan.But when he saw a young girl he frowned.
"Hello who do you have business with?"Wen Qing said suspiciously
Before lan zhan could answer Ayuan came snd saw him.'he is rich gege we played yesterday ' Ayuan said cutely.
" lee yung (wei ying's fake name) isn't at home at the moment if you wanna wait you can stay inside"
" hm"Wen Qing was surprised at how he could be Wei Ying's friend as he was so expressionless and silent exctly opposite side of Wei Ying.
" i am lu ling 's sister( wen ning's fake name) and currently babysitting Ayuan." Then an awkward silenece fell between them.

An hour passed until they heared the doors ring.
Wen Qing knew it was wei ying but didn't know why they were ringing repeatedly.She wanted to start nagging as opening the door but was shocked at was he was seeing.Lan zhan saw her pause and went to see blood dripping from wei Ying and some of them on his lips definitely he had coughed blood his face was paler than ever while wen ning and another strange man holding him.He was shocked for a moment then took wei ying out of their hold and picked him bridal style.

" He should go to hospital immediately "
" lan zhan ... no don't take me there" he said half consciously while coughing more blood.lan zhan knew he was so stubborn and didn't what should he do.
" take him inside i am doctor i will treat him "said wen qing who was got out of the shock and told his brother to take care of Ayuan.

Lan zhan put wei ying on his bed softly.
" we must stop his bleeding first " lan zhan pulled up wei ying cloth that was drenched with blood.
" hold his body tight we don't have any anesthesia don't let him move i am gonna start now" lan zhan did as wen qing .
Lan zhan could see the pain on wei ying's face as stream of tears were on his face .His heart ached from this sight and wished that he was the one to feel the pain instead of wei ying.
As wen qing started stitching wei ying was crying wholeheartedly ,clenching his fists tightly.He couldn't endure it anymore.Wei ying fainted from the pain and was unconscious.
After a while she finished " he should take some rest he won't regain his conscious soon" then she walked out to inform the rest.

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