What happened to uncle?

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Two lan brother's were in front of mansion, ringing the bell.They were waiting for the maids to open and welcome them as usual.To their surprise ,their uncle was the one to open the door and greet them warmly.Uncle,first hugged lan xichen as he was in front of the lan zhan,then he hugged lan zhan warmly.They were frozen why he was behaving like this as his uncle would always treat them emotionless ,not hugging or anything ."My sons welcome home"uncle tried to use the words that wei ying used with Ayuan but he couldn't used the words lovely,cute or other chessy words.Cause first of all they were big enough not to be called like a child,secondly he wasn't used to it and he has never used it before it would be strange.
Uncle say how shocked they were
"Uhmm... won't you come inside?"he said and walked inside.
Lan zhan and lan xichen looked surprised to each other's eyes maybe the other knew what was happening ,maybe he was sick.
They followed him immediately,walking slowly behind him as much as calm they could not to make even the slightest noise.
When they sit,the maids were putting the food the food neatly in front of them.They started eating without talking as it was forbidden.
Suddenly,their uncle's mobile rang.They had the rule that mobile's should be silent while eating but uncle was the one not to silence it and to their surprise he looked at the name and a smile appeared on his face.The lan brothers thought they would not be more shocked than these,first not putting on silent and now smiling.They were afraid their hearts couldn't take this much shock.
Then they looked cautiously to their uncle again.Uncle coughed a little to stop himself from smiling and showing his cold face again as if he could because of a certain person.
"Yes"uncle said
"Uncle Qiren,are you okey?what do you do?Do you miss me and ayuan?"wei ying was talking breathlessly on the otherside not even giving him time to answer him.
"Hey brat, stop talking ,breath first and let me answer ,yes i am okey at home and a big NO, i am happy that i got rid of you "
Lan brothers thought maybe uncle was possessed as their uncle sweared .Their eyes would pop out anytime at their uncle's talking .They were shocked when a loud laugh give them another big shock.The person on the other side said something that it uncle laugh .
"I want some beautiful plant for my sister I don't know when you can prepare one for me?"on the other side of the line.
"What will you give me in exchange?"uncle was asking teasingly.
"My sister can make great cakes,they are so delicious i will ask her to cook for you .it is enough bribe?"
"Who said i want bribe i just want a compensation thats all"
"Okey old man"
"Don't call me old man just call me uncle"uncle qiren let out his breath heavily as he couldn't win against a little boy.
Uncle finished talking and looked at his nieces that their mouth was slightly open.He had forgotten not to swear or not to laugh loudly and he himself broke rules many times since meeting that brat.
For changing the awkward situation he coughed.
"Umm a customer "uncle said shortly.
Then he continued eating not paying attention to them.After they finished, he stand first and patted on their shoulders passionately then went to his room.
"Is uncle sick?"lan xichen asked.
"More importantly,who was on the other side of the line?"lan zhan asked.
Both of them looked at each other not having an answer for the other one.

Tomorrow morning
Wei ying hugged Ayuan" my lovely child stay wih aunt wen qing, me and uncle wen ning are going to college i will come back soon"he kissed his forehead and as usual Ayuan giggled.
Then wei ying did not allow any opportunity for wen qing and said goodbye.
They were entering their classes with wen ning when wei ying saw lan zhan entered before him not seeing him.
"Lan zhaan!"he shouted excitedly.
"Wei ying!" Lan zhan looked back and called him calmly.
When he heared lan zhan calling his name he thought how beautiful it was to hear his name from lan zhan,his voice was magical.
"Wei ying!wei ying"lan zhan called his name and shook him to snap him out his thoughts.
"Um nothing"he excused.
They went and sat in one row,wei ying in middle of them.while they were in class and the professor was teaching,wei ying got message that got him pale a little.lan zhan and wen ning noticed his change and wei ying for the first time did not talk or make jokes in class and remained silent.His classmates and even the professor were surprised that naughty wei ying didn't do any mischief or made them laugh.Wei ying was in deep thought that few days later would be a critical day for them.The class was this time boring and silent for everyone.
"Wei ying"
"Wei ying!the class has finished"
Lan zhan and wen ning called him.As he got out of his thoughts he noticed class was empty and they were just three of them.
"Oh ..yes..let's get out"he said and was going out distracted.
"Wei ying ,your bag,your books"Wen ning called this time worriedly.
Wei ying looked back and saw that he has forgotten his stuffs.
"Oh...Sorry" then he started collecting them.
Lan zhan put his hand on wei ying's hand.
"Do you have a problem?"
"No"it was a quick response,he closed his eyes and cursed himself.
"Wei ying!"lan zhan called with warning.
"Sorry lan zhan but let's talk another time."

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