Mission 2

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Jiang cheng went to talk with lan zhan.Maybe he was helpful.In front of the lan mansion he saw lan zhan and lan xichen.They both saw jiang cheng and stopped.
"Welcome jiang cheng!"lan xichen politely told him.
"Welcome!Brother i will leave you two alone!"lan zhan told him,turning around to go inside first.
"Wait,I came to see you"jiang cheng said.
Lan zhan turned back and stared waiting for him to talk.
"Wei ying is suspicious.I don't know he is hiding something from us.Yesterday we found him having nausea ,vomiting in the bathroom.He only have nausea when he is nervous.He had high fever but didn't allow shiji and me to call a doctor.When he woke up we asked him what was the problem but he didn't say and only cried.
Tell me did you have argument with him or did something else happen?"jiang cheng stared back.
Lan zhan was shocked.
"Where is he?"
"Resting at home"
Lan zhan immediately drove there with his brother and jiang cheng.
When they went inside they saw yanli
"Where is brother?"jiang cheng asked.
"Welcome!he is resting in his room he told me to take care of Ayuan and not allow anyone to disturb him until lunch"
They went to his roon to find it empty with open window and no Wei Ying.
"Where the hell did he go?He had a fever"jiang cheng growled.
They searched mansion but wei ying was nowhere.They called him but he didn't answer.
Lan zhan was worried about him.
He called his subordinate"inform everyone to track wei ying!It is emergency,find him as soon as possible."Lan zhan told them nervously.
Jiang cheng also informed his subordinates.
For of them went out to go places where he would mostly visits.

Wei ying side
After he went out of the mansion,he drove his motorcycle away to the location his subordinates had sent.When he reached there he saw his one of his subordinate.Wei ying immediately got close to him "where is she?"
"Leader! she has entered that mansion for a while"his subordinate reported.
They waited for a while meanwhile his phone rang so he put it silent and didn't answer.As the woman came out with some bodyguards escorting her ,wei ying froze.She was his mother.
They got on the car,wei ying immediately got on the motorcycle and followed them closely.
"All of you can go back "Wei ying ordered them
"But lead-"his subordinates objected.
"GO BACK NOW IT IS AN ORDER"wei ying said firmly.
Wei ying followed her despite the rain blocking his view,it was strange that they went to an abandoned factory.The car stopped and wei ying hid.His mother got out of the car and walked backward of the car .
"Come out now ,i know you are hiding "His mother was definitely so smart to notice him.
Wei ying showed himself.
"Who are you?"she asked with frown.
"I am a familiar "
"May i see this familiar strange person?"
Wei ying took out his motorcycle helmet,showing his face .Madam jiang froze instantly to see his son but he masked his missing for his son and told bodyguards "leave us alone now!"
After they left,wei ying called"Mother!"
Madam jiang told him angrily "Don't call me mother,leave here now and never appear in front of me ever again"
"I have come to ask you why did you leave us? That day i was saved from jin does it have something with you leaving us?Did they force you?Tell me I believe in you i will save you from them."wei ying got closer to her with teary eyes.
Madam jiang for a second showed his love for his son in his eyes but when he remembered what she had promised jins she immediately turned to the fierce look that she had been keeping for a long time."It was my own decision.Get out of here now"
"You are lying ,your eyes saying something else"
"No it is the absolute truth I don't want you , I hate all of you!I forgive you this time for following me but next time I would not show any mercy"Madam jiang aggressively told him and walked away.Wei ying's heart broke.His tears were mixed with rain soaking him all over again.It seemed that the sky was also broken heart like him.He knelt down and shouted wholeheartedly "I am beggin you don't leave me please i need you stay I promise to save you but stay please!..PLEASE!!!..PLEASE...PLEASE!!!!!"
Wei ying cried and shouted for her but madam jiang controlled herself not to ran toward his son and say that she will stay.She turned back for the last time and whispered"I am sorry,mama loves you" She thought wei ying didn't understand his whisper but he noticed what she said by lip reading.But it was late she had already gone.
Wei ying knelt there crying loudly as it didn't matter he had a fever and should take care of himself.It seemed that the sky was also crying for him.He cried like that for a while when he heared voices calling him.He saw lan zhan ,jiang cheng,jiang yanli and lan xichen rushing toward him worriedly but none of them mattered.He didn't tried to stop crying or wiping his own face.
He simply was tired of everthing.They surrendered him,asking him what happened?
Wei ying continued crying breaking there heart as they have never seen him this weak.
While he was crying he told them
"Mother...left ...me.I couldn't ..help her.It ..was my fault.....Everything was ..because of ..me"
They didn't understand why he was saying like that.It was the first time lan zhan heared wei ying talking about his mother.
Lan zhan picled him up as his cheeks were red.He noticed wei ying had fever.They ran toward the car and drove to jiang mansion quickly.Wei ying was still sobbing quietly and trembling.As they entered mansion,leader jiang ran toward them.Wei ying saw his father and told lan zhan to let him down.Lan zhan put him down but also hold him not to fall.Wei ying got close to his father"Father!!I am sorry !Because of me mother went to jin!!She saved me in exchange of leaving us.I am sorry!!"I am sorr-"
Wei ying felt on his knelt in front of his father feeling guilty.If he never was,his mother would never leave the family.He wished to die this instant.He was asking for forgiveness when he fainted.Everyone was shocked but when they saw him faint they snapped out immediately.Lan zhan took him to his room and they called a physician.

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