Chapter 43

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Wei ying excitedly pulled lan zhan's head and kissed his cheeks."Thank you lan zhan!"
Lan zhan smiled at him brightly one of those rare smiles at Wei ying's childish behavior.He acted like a child who wanted to convince his parent to do something for them.
"Anything for wei ying!"
Wei ying's eyes were shining brightly reflecting his love to lan zhan.
Everyone went early outside except madam jiang and lan zhan.Even jiang yanli took ayuan out as they were going to mansion.Lan zhan would definitely stay with wei ying and madam jiang would look after wei ying too.She told everyone
"I will stay here and take care of him everyone can go"she expected lan zhan to go too but lan zhan deliberately didn't look at her that was glaring to him and just looked at wei ying asking if he wants anything.Everyone looked at lan Zhan and madam jiang having fight over wei ying, they sighed desperately.
After they left , wei ying asked lan zhan
"Sorry lan zhan!can I talk with mom alone?"
Lan zhan nodded and kissed his hair before going out.
Wei ying looked at his mother.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were going to have a surgery?"
"It is just...I didn't want to bother you!You have been hurt because of me a lot.I would not even call you..if..if I was not thinking that it will be my last time.I just didn't want to die regretting not talking with you for the last time!
"You have never been bother for me.All of the thing i did was my own choice to save you!I love you my son i will do anything for you.You three and your father is my life.At that time we were under pressure and i saw how much your father struggle to save you but we couldn't.I secretly asked if they wanted anything they told me that in exchange of me i can save you .I didn't have any choice.I worked in their clan all these years.
All of you are my family!I won't leave you again!"
Madam jiang hugged his son and they both cried.
Wei ying hugged her as he had found his shelter.
"Never leave me again!" Wei ying told her.
After a while they had calmed down and madam jiang sat on the chair again beside the bed.
"Break up with that guy lan wangji!"madam jiang told him waiting for his response.
"What?!No, i love him,he is my heart i can't do that!"
"I will find you a suitable girl and you can marry her and have a proper family."
"No!if you take him away from me i will die.I am serious.I swear I won't marry anyone but lan zhan!"
"He is not suitable for you!I will make an arrangement for you to meet a suitable girl for yourself."
"Mother!!I SAID NO STOP IT!I WON'T LISTEN ANYMORE!"wei ying took out the serum from his arm immediately and tried to get away from this room.It was suffocating staying there.Blood was dripping from his arm.He pit his hand on his wound tolerating the pain which had started because of standing up suddenly.He dragged his legs toward the door.
"Wait don't walk!you had surgery you can't walk like that!!!your arm is bleeding too!madam jiang went after him trying to stop him but wei ying ignored her and was just trying to get out of the room immediately.
"Don't come after me"wei ying told her and opened the door.He saw lan zhan coming from distance coming toward the room.As soon as lan zhan saw wei ying leaning toward the wall and his arm bleeding he ran toward him worriedly.
Wei ying also tried to move more quickly toward him.lan zhan reached to him and hold wei ying not to fall.
"Wei ying!What are you doing ?Why are you like this ?Why did you move from your bed?" Lan zhan worriedly asking him while checking him.
"Your arm is bleeding!!!"lan zhan hold that arm gently.
"Lan zhan take me somewhere else!I don't want to stay here one second!"wei ying pleaded him.
Lan zhan didn't ask anymore and picked him up to take him away.wei ying turned his head toward his mother
"I won't change my mind!I love you mother but if you are ashamed to have son like me you can leave me!And I will never come back if you don't change your mind!"
Wei ying told her no matter how hard it was for him to say those words to her mother.Lan zhan was the most suitable one for him even his father or siblings accepted him but he didn't know why his mother couldn't accept him.
Wei ying wrapped his arms around lan zhan and leaned his head toward his chest,listening to his heartbeats.lan zhan took him to their lan mansion and meanwhile called doctor to be their in time.He was worried about wei ying's wound.
"Lan zhan can you bring Ayuan here?!I won't go back there!"
"Mn.Anything for wei ying!"wei ying kissed his head.
When they entered lan qiren looked at wei ying worriedly."what has happened?Weren't you going to discharged tomorrow?!"
"Uncle i will explain later" lan zhan took him to his own room.Doctor examined him and said that he should rest as his surgery was heavy one.They treated his wound on his arm.Fortunately,his heart wound hadn't reopened and he wasn't in dangerous condition.After doctor was discharged lan zhan told lan qiren"Wei ying will stay here!"
Just that brief.lan qiren wanted to ask more when lan xichen called him
"uncle give them time!"
Lan zhan nodded his head as a thanks to his brother and went back to the room.Lan zhan lied beside wei ying and kissed his forehead.
"Wei ying can tell me everything."lan zhan caressed his cheek.Wei ying turned his body toward him not putting pressure on his heart side.wei ying remained silent.Lan zhan rubbed his back making circles on his back gently.Wei ying relaxed.
"She told me to...break up with you and she will make marriage arrangement for me to marry a suitable girl.I told her that I won't leave you but she didn't stopped and continued.I couldn't breath in that room anymore that's why i got out of there.If she doesn't accept you,I will leave that house.I will take ayuan away too."wei ying told with teary eyes.Wei ying tried to conceal the pain he was going through choosing between his mother and his lan zhan.But lan zhan could tell he was feeling upset.Lan zhan kissed his forehead.
"Everything will be fine,I am here for you"
Wei ying slept as he was tired.Lan zhan slept with him .

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