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Everyone had gathered.Leader Jiang looked at lan Qiren "thanks for everything but we should go back tomorrow morning, we have been bothering you enough."
When lan zhan heared that he squeezed wei ying's hand as he was reluctant to let wei ying go.
"Wei ying would go?"lan zhan asked leader jiang.
Leader Jiang saw that this boy wanted his son to stay but it was impossible for now.There were important issues to solve so it was necessary wei ying should be there.
"Yes,you can visit us and stay in our mansion if you want or i can send him but he can't stay here forever"Leader jiang tried to convince him.But it does seem to have effect on him.Lan zhan just pulled wei ying closer and tightened his hold making him blush.Wei ying saw that they were stuck with his cute lover.Wei ying whispered near his ear "lan zhan my love let me go i will visit you everyday and as a compensation we will kiss 30 times every day.Is my bribe enough honey,hmm?"
"50 times a day"
"What?then my lips would be bruised"
"Who said only lips?i can kiss your neck too"
"Lan zhaan!!...okey"wei ying sighed.
Lan zhan seemed to be pleased with this bribe as a bright smile covered his face and there wasn't any frown.
"Okey"lan zhan told leader jiang as they were shocked to see him change his opinion.What has wei ying told him to please him?wei ying had really power over lan zhan.
Wei ying took ayuan with him to the room.Ayuan was lying between lan zhan and wei ying.They both kissed his forehead.
Lan zhan kissed wei ying on his forehead and was happy to see wei ying's eyes shine.

Next day
They were ready to leave the mansion and go home.Lan zhan still hadn't let go of wei ying and grabbed his waist leaning wei ying's body to his own body.Jiang cheng just rolled his eyes and chatted with lan xichen.Jiang yanli grabbed jin zixuan's hand as his father gave them his approval.Leader Jiang thanked lan qiren and said his goodbye.Wei ying was holding ayuan as he was asleep,Ayuan's head was resting on his shoulder , sleeping cutely.Leader jiang signed his children to move but lan zhan wouldn't let him go.
"Lan zhaan!my love I should go i will see you again tomorrow .Hmm?"
Lan zhan didn't say anything and wei ying looked with his puppy eyes .Lan zhan sighed and let him go .Wei ying turned and was walking away,lan zhan called him"wei ying!"
Wei ying turned back and saw lan zhan reducing the distance between them.Wei ying just looked puzzled why lan zhan had called him again.As he was looking curiously,lan zhan cupped his face and smashed their lips.wei ying was shocked as lan zhan kissed him passionately.He tried to stop him as they were in public infront of their father and siblings.Jiang cheng was shocked to see them kissing in public and whispered "shamless".jiang yanli was embarrassed to see his brother being kissed .Jin zixuan didn't pay attention as he was focused on his beloved girl.
Leader jiang saw them and shook his head interrupting them"cough ..cough..."
Lan zhan let go of him finally.Wei ying had blushed cutely ,making lan zhan smile and kiss his forehead before letting him go.Wei ying looked down and walked hurriedly before everyone feeling embarrassed.lan zhan's face was still like always not being shy.He nodded a little to leader jiang"goodbye father".
Leader jiang chuckled,then walked away with his children.
They sat in the car and wei ying was between his siblings.Unlike usual he didn't talk all the way home and they were silent .when he reached he took ayuan to his room and put him on the bed.He lied beside him and hugged ayuan.Ayuan felt his presence and moved closer to him.Wei ying was happy to have him as his child and kissed his forehead.
Wei ying lied there for a while and was thinking what should he do?.First he should sneak into his father's room to find some information about his mother.He stood and got out his room to see jiang cheng entering his own room.
"Where are you going?"jiang cheng asked him.
"Ayuan is sleep i will go fetch his stuffs in the other home."
"Send someone instead of going yourself"
"No i can go myself"
Jiang cheng let him go and went to his room.
Wei ying went out and dialed wen ning's number.
"Let's meet at headquarter,there is an important matter"
At wei ying's headquarter
Wei ying gathered his main subordinates.
"We must find more about the woman who had ran away with jins.I emphasize no one even my family should not know what we are investigating.That woman may be my mother .
First we should track her everywhere secretly and make sure if she is truly my mom then we should find out if she is being forced to be there,then find a opportunity to talk with her.My Brother wants to attack them within a month and he doesn't know anything about this matter so we should hurry up."wei ying explained them everything.
When everyone left wen ning stayed there with him."That is the reason you don't want to do surgery?"wen ning asked him.
"Yes ,i need your help to convince wen qing she wants me to do the surgery as soon as possible."
Wei ying sighed desperately.
Wen ning patted his shoulder"I will do my best,
You are not alone my friend."
"Wei ying looked appreciated "thanks wen ning you have helped me a lot,I should be grateful to have such a good friend "
A few days later wei ying sneaked to his father's room when he was in company and no one was at home except maids.He searched through the drawers and every document.Finally he found a picture of his mother and took it with himself.
He quickly went to his room and breathed out.
He sent picture of it to headquarter to compare it with that woman.

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