Father's blessing

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Wei ying looked at them again shyly.When he saw father,he was reminded of an important matter he should find out.He thought to himself he should talk with his father privately.
"Sorry everyone can i talk with my father alone?"
"What?what is it that we should not know?"jiang cheng asked angirly but jiang yanli dragged him out without saying anything.
Wei ying felt lan zhan's hand tightened on his shoulder.and saw the look on lan zhan's face.
Wei ying cupped his face " lan zhaan!i need to talk with him,i will be fine"
Lan zhan just stared at his cute face with puppy eyes.Then he sighed and kissed his forehead.
"Finish quickly"
"Thanks lan zhan"
Leader jiang who was watching them wondered how his son could understand lan zhan's look.
Lan zhan glared at leader jiang and then said toward wei ying.
"If anything happen just call me"
When he went out,wei ying started speaking
"Could you tell more about why she left?"
"You were kidnapped by them and the jin clan were threatening us .I was trying to find you and suddenly she disappeared with a letter that she can not stay with me anymore,she has found another man higher than me.I desperately searched for her but I couldn't find her until one day there was a gathering between clans and i saw her walking beside jin leader.She had betrayed me with my enemy.After that day i tried to stop you and your brother from approaching them but after the explosion .You both were unstoppable.Your brother or sister doesn't even know her whereabouts.They think she left with some random guys."
Wei ying was fighting against the stubborn tears gathered in his eyes not to fall.he leaned his back backward.He wanted to tell his father something that may changed his opinion about his mother but he wasn't sure about it yet.So he kept his mouth silent.Now he could feel his father's coldness .Hie father and mother loved each other so much and sudden lose of mother made him lose his emotions.His father treated them coldly after mother left .Maybe his father felt emptiness inside his heart.He remembered how much they cried for seeing their mother.They were hurting their father unknowingly but couldn't be blamed as they were just a child wanting their mothers.
Wei ying stood hardly as he didn't have much strength in his legs but he had determination to walk to his father.He took few steps and was trying to take another step when his legs gave out and his energy decreased.He was falling when his father hold him quickly.Wei ying  didn't need to walk anymore as he put his arms around his father's neck and hugged him like tightly.
"I am sorry"Wei ying cried.
His father was shocked seeing him hug and say sorry.He was a bad father ,why was his son apologizing to him.
"I didn't know the truth and i blamed you and bothered you.It must have been so hard on you as you couldn't tell anyone .I am sorry,forgive me father?"wei ying cried wholeheartedly.A while later he felt his father crying
"Wei ying, i should apologize as I wasn't good fathet for you and your siblings.everytime i saw you , you resembled your mother so much that it made me treat you coldly.I didn't want to hurt you by telling the truth but it seems you got more hurt by not knowing."
Both were crying , realizing others purpose now.
After some time ,they calmed down.
"If that boy sees your teary eyes,he would kill me"
When wei ying noticed who he was referring ,he said shyly"lan zhan is so good he is just a little overprotective."
"When you were unconscious he didn't let me near you ,when  i told him i will decide you stay together or not ,he told me he will take you away and elope with you even if I don't allow .when he come now let me tease him a little and you accept everything i say"leader jiang winked playfully at him.
Wei ying felt excited and nodded his head.
A knock on the door alarmed them and he helped wei ying sat on the bed again.
Lan zhan came inside and went straight to wei ying to check on him.As he saw wei ying was fine he hugged him and let his breath out.
"Lan zhan i should say something,if you want us to be together we should have my father's blessing too"wei ying played it like it was real.
Lan zhan's faced paled as he was thinking what he had told wei ying's father,at that time he thought wei ying didn't wanted his blessing but now it is different.lan zhan composed himself firmly and turned to leader jiang .
"I ask for your blessing "lan zhan asked politely.
"No!!I won't allow you to be together."
"Please I need it to be with wei ying"He bend down and kneeled.They didn't expect him to that.Wei ying hurriedly stood and kneeled beside him "sorry lan zhan! don't kneel !!! we were just teasing you father has already given us his blessing please stand up!!"wei ying talked worriedly at his actions.
Wei ying tried to make lan zhan stood up as he was trying to stand but suddenly his legs didn't support him cause his body was weak and he was felling down on his knees again when lan zhan grabbed him and steadied him.
"Wei ying be careful!!"lan zhan kissed his cheek.
Then he noticed Wei ying's father's hand who had tried to catch wei ying.Lan zhan looked at leader jiang gratefully "thanks father"
Leader jiang who seemed liked him calling him father smiled but he hide it immediately and frowned at him"who says i am your father?"
"Wei Ying's father is like my own father"lan zhan answered sincerely.
Wei ying grabbed lan zhan's cheek"oh,you are so sweet my boy"
Lan zhan looked at his eyes lovingly and wei ying could see himself reflected in those golden eyes.
They were drown in each other's eyes when someone interrupted them.
"Uhm.."leader jiang announced that he hasn't left them yet.They both looked away shyly.
Leader jiang patted on lan zhan's shoulder "take care of my son well if you hurt him i will take him away from you"
Lan zhan said"i take oath i will take care of him with my life"
He left.Now they were alone.

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