Chapter 42

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Madam Jiang glared at him ."what if i force him to break up with you?Who do you think he will choose between us?His mother?"madam jiang pointed to herself "or you?"she was challenging his soon to be son in law.
Lan zhan kept his cool and looked relaxed"It wasn't easy for us to get in this relationship and I know he loves his mother but he loves me too.First he will try to persude you if you don't agree he will run away with me and ayuan.I have never loved anyone and even did not know how to love until i saw wei ying.He became my life it wasn't easy to persude him with all the problems we encountered but we didn't give up on each other.Now that we were through all those high and lows ,we won't break up with each other even if it means to go against everyone."lan zhan said with determination in his eyes.Wei ying squeezed the hand that was captured between lan zhan's.
Lan zhan noticed it and immediately got near him."Wei ying!wei ying! Open your eyes please!"
Wei ying slightly opened his eyes,seeing blurry.
But he called lan zhan knowing his warmth.
"Lan ..zhan!" Wei ying called him.
Lan zhan gave ayuan to jiang yanli and got near wei ying again.He cupped wei ying's face
"Do you have any pain?"
"A little!"
They stared into each other's eyes.Lan zhan 's tears were covering his face.Wei ying wiped them gently.
"Did not i say don't cry,if you cry i will cry too"
Wei ying told him with teary eyes.
"I am just happy you come back!I was dying when your heart didn't beat!Thank you for coming back! I love you!"
Lan zhan smiled to him.
"I love you too!When i was unconscious i heared you shouting saying come back and live for me and ayuan.I don't remember what was happening but when I heared your voice it got me back!Thanks lan zhan!"wei ying was smiling brightly at him.Lan zhan kissed his forehead passionately.
"Uhm...cough"leader jiang snapped them out of their world.Wei ying was only focused on lan zhan that he didn't notice others.lan zhan pulled back.Jiang cheng came forward and hugged him tightly .Wei ying gasped feeling pressure on his wound.Lan zhan wanted to pull jiang cheng back but wei ying gestured him not to do it and hugged back his brother.
"You silly boy!I will break your legs if you scare us like that again!"jiang cheng threatened him while crying.wei ying patted his back
"Brother !I am happy to see you !"wei ying told him sincerely.
Jiang cheng pulled back finally.Wei ying saw lan zhan let his breath out when jiang cheng let him go and chuckled seeing lan zhan like that.
Jiang yanli came and hugged him then his father got near and hold him in his embrace.
"Welcome back my child!"
Wei ying smiled at him .
"thanks for being with me all the times,father!"
When he pulled back wei ying was turning his head toward lan zhan"lan zh-"
He saw his mother came from behind.Wei ying was shocked.He couldn't believe his eyes and his emotion was suddenly provoked immensely.His tears were dropping on his cheeks.
He turned to lan zhan and opened his arms for him to hug him.Lan zhan understood quickly and hugged him.wei ying hid his face in lan zhan's stomach ."lan zhan !!why i see my mom?!I imagine her i may have become crazy!"
"You aren't imagining I am your mom"Madam jiang walked closer.Wei ying looked back again.
It was real.His mother had finally come backed.
He didn't know what should he do or say.wei ying squeezed lan zhan's hand getting courage knowing his lan zhan is there.Lan zhan squeezed his hands warmly conveying it that I am here for you.
Lan zhan saw the awkward silence "When you were having surgery she came here for you and since that time she stayed beside you"
Madam jiang got closer and hugged wei ying.It was such a long time that he had felt this warmth. He let his mother hug him.Wei ying just closed his eyes feeling this warmth wholeheartedly.
When his mother pulled back he opened his eyes.
He had a lot to talk to his mother but now he felt awkward.
He looked so much alike like his mother.
A voice beside him called excitedly "father!"
Ayuan was trying to climb on the bed.Lan zhan helped ayuan.Wei ying opened his arms for him.
"Ayuan!my child!"wei ying hugged ayuan tightly.
"Father missed you baby!"
"Ayuan missed father too but papa said you were sleeping and i was a good boy waited for you!"
Ayuan said cutely.wei ying laughed and his eyes shined brightly again."father will reward you when we get home!"
Ayuan move a little and accidentally hit his wound.Wei ying's face went into painful one.
Ayuan saw him"Father!father!where does it hurt?"
Wei ying tried to endure it and smiled again forcefully.he pointed to his heart"If someone kiss me here i won't be in pain anymore "
Ayuan immediately kissed his father's heart and looked at him to see if he was okey now.
Wei ying kissed his hair and patted him.
The doctor entered the room to check on him.Lan zhan hold ayuan.
"Your condition is stable now but You must not move for one week , after one week start by walking a little not put pressure on your body.You should not overdo your body for at least a can be discharged anytime but make sure to rest well."
Leader jiang thanked doctor .Wei ying looked with puppy eyes to lan zhan.
"No!" Lan zhan said firmly to him.
"I haven't said anything yet!"wei ying defended himself .His lan zhan knew him the best as he noticed quickly wei ying was going to ask him something that lan zhan would disapprove.
Wei ying continued looking with puppy eyes.Lan zhan sighed"Tell me!"
"I want to go home today!"
"Lan zhaan!"
"Lan zhaan"
"I promise to rest well at home "
"Lan zhaaaan!"wei ying pouted cutely making lan zhan lose to him.He stared at him and after a pause"Okey !"

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