Chapter 49

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After they finished feeding him, madam jiang held his son's hand
"Wei ying!I was so worried why did you block the gun for me? Did you understand it was dangerous to do that after you have been hit by those wens???!!! Never sacrifice yourself for me!! Do you know how i was feeling when you were bleeding nonstop and I couldn't do anything!"
Madam jiang's tears were dropping.
"Mom!how could i stand they hurt you???! I owe you more than that! I love you mother I can't lose you! I would endure thousands time more than that but nothing should happen to you!" Wei ying hugged his mother closely.
Wei ying insisted that all of them should go back home and rest.They were forced but as usual lan zhan persuaded Wei Ying he won't go.
It was now just wei ying and lan zhan.lan zhan was strangely quiet, he was always quiet type but this was different and wei ying noticed it.
Wei ying sat on the bed " come closer!"
Lan zhan leaned forward wondering what he wanted.Wei ying started kissing his face all over calmly and repeatedly.He did it until lan zhan seemed relaxed.
"Tell me!"
Lan zhan was quiet.wei ying kissed his cheeks.
"When we reached the mansion, were unconscious(wei ying kissed him again seeing him lost in thoughts)....your blood covered the were so pale... your hand was cold!"I thought i was dyin-" wei ying kissed his lips intensely stopping him from talking anymore.
Lan zhan didn't expect wei ying to kiss him suddenly and was surprised.He was feeling pleasure as wei ying kissed him intensely.He had forgotten those bad memories.Lan zhan took lead and leaned more forward making wei ying lie on bed while lan zhan kissed him.
They broke apart and both were panting.
"I love you!"wei ying said wholeheartedly.
"I love wei ying too!" Lan zhan had one of those rare brightest smile on his face.
Wei ying moved further making space for lan zhan to lie with him on bed.
"But you are wounded,it doesn't have enough space for both of us ,I will sleep on couch."
"If you hug me we can sleep,come on now!" Wei ying pulled lan zhan.lan zhan cautiously lied beside him and held wei ying in his embrace.
As he felt wei ying's warmth his mind was more calmer.He hugged him not to hurt his wound.
"Wei ying"
"Hmm?"wei ying looked confused.There was definitely something that lan zhan wanted to tell but couldn't.what it was that lan zhan was so scared of asking.Wei ying kissed his jaw numerous time" you can tell me anything!you should know i am here for you! I will support you!" It seemed it worked as lan zhan continued speaking.
"I know it is not the good time,I should have been more prepare,but I can't wait anymore .........  Will you marry me?"lan zhan held his breath, waiting for his reaction.Wei ying was quite surprised .He was feeling joy filling his heart but he couldn't say anything.Wei ying turned to lan zhan with frozen face.Lan zhan was feeling nervous all over his face.maybe he doesn't want me.He is so perfect, I don't deserve him.Why would he choose to marry me, i am not good enough.With these thoughts lan zhan's eyes were teary he looked down not to show his face.wei ying saw lan zhan misunderstood him and his teary eyes.
"Lan zhan"wei ying called him calmly.
Lan zhan didn't look up.Wei ying put his hand under Lan zhan's jaw and raise it up gently.
Wei ying kissed his lips passionately showing his answer to him.
"Is my answer enough?" Wei ying smiled brightly at him.
Lan zhan surprised looked at him.did he agree?he thought to himself.Lan zhan couldn't believe it.wei ying saw lan zhan was unsure and laughed while cupping lan zhan's face" YES! lan zhan , i will marry you happily.I am blessed to be able to marry you.I want to stay together with you forever."happy tears dropped from his eyes as he was telling those words.Wei ying really meant every word.Lan zhan laughed loudly for the first time.He was so happy that hugged wei ying tightly, forgetting his wound
"Thank you wei ying, thank you wei ying!" Lan zhan repeatedly was telling.wei ying patted his back .Lan zhan loosened his hug a little, facing wei ying.
"I was so scared, I am not good enough and you would not accept me!" Lan zhan confessed blushing.
"You are more than enough for me,I am the one who doesn't deserve you,lan zhan you are so perfect and I love you.I was just shocked .I didn't expect you would propose to me."wei ying kissed his lips.
"Wei ying is perfect and deserves happiness! I love wei ying so much!"Lan zhan was smiling confessing sincerely.They hugged each other and slept peacefully.

Lan zhan woke up early feeling wei ying sleeping quietly in his embrace.He stayed like that so wei ying would not wake up.lan zhan held him closer to feel his warmth more.Seeing wei ying as the first thing in the morning made him smile happily.He pulled the blanket covering wei ying and himself more.Lan zhan caressed his hair, his face .wei ying was truly a beauty.He was could someone be this beautiful.  wei ying was so precious to him.Lan zhan didn't know how he lived these years without wei ying.He kept on caressing wei ying that he had lost time and he stopped when he heard a cough.
Lan zhan looked up to see Madam jiang smiling, leader jiang sighing,jiang yanli smiling sincerely and jiang cheng staring at him for being so close to his brother.Lan zhan blushed as he moved a little.wei ying closed eyes turned more toward him ,feeling the warmth getting away a little, sticking more to lan zhan and hugging him tightly."lan zhan! Don't go away!stay closer!" Wei ying said sleepy , not even opening his eyes.
"Wei ying!" Lan zhan desperately called him .
"Hmm?what is it?you are mine so can't i say stay close?" Wei ying teasingly said that.
Lan zhan got even more embarrassed.Leader jiang coughed more loudly.
"Lan zhan when did your voice changed?" Wei ying lazily said.
Jiang cheng couldn't tolerate anymore and smacked Wei ying's head."shameless!"
"Ah!" Wei ying opened his eyes to see jiang chend standing close and everyone there.
"Hehe!when did you all came?"
Jiang cheng smacked him again"wei ying!why should we always watch your lovely dovely moments????!!!!"
Wei ying just showed his big smile to him earning a deadly stare from him.
Lan zhan stood up and helped wei ying settle properly.
"How are you son?" Leader jiang asked worriedly.
"I am fine father,i can even win jiang cheng!" Wei ying teased his brother.
Leader jiang laughed "it seems you are in good mood to joke around!"
Lan zhan as he remembered suddenly turned to them"father,mother,jiang cheng and jiang yanli!"
They wondered why lan wangji become formal with them suddenly. Lan zhan was a little nervous to mention it but he wasn't as nervous as yesterday proposing.Everyone noticed lan zhan was nervous.Wei ying held his hand,squeezing it to give him warmth,making him feel relaxed.
It seemed his hand really worked as lan zhan let out a breath and smiled to wei ying then looked confidently to them.
"I want to marry wei ying and i need every member of his family's permission.Please allow me to marry him!"
They looked at each other and nodded.
Leader jiang "You have our approval but first wei ying should agree!"
"I proposed yesterday.He has accepted marrying me.!"lan zhan shyly told them.
They diverted their looks from lan zhan to wei ying.Wei ying blushed an looked down
"I love him and i said yes to him!"
Leader jiang hugged wei ying then lan zhan
"Take good care of my son!"
Everyone did the same
Madam jiang"I won't stay silent if you hurt him!"
Jiang yanli"i know you love my brother truly and would care for each other."
Jiang cheng toward wei ying" hey you idiot!i will break your leg if you hide anything.Tell us if he mistreats you!
Jiang cheng just stood infront of lan zhan" my brother is silly! But if i see you don't treat him good you will have to face all of us! And don't let him get into trouble.As he always find trouble for himself.

Hey guys! 🖐We are reaching the end of the story and I hope you have enjoyed the story.To be honest, I have got another idea about writing wangxian fanfic.This time it would be more attractive and the story will be about past time.
Kingdom time,not modern one.I will put the name of the fanfic in last chapter.
My imagination is great and i can create fanfic stories in my mind about everything I love. this story was my first work that i wanted to share .
I will earn more writing skill to write affectionately . I hope you support me in the new story.I haven't named it yet but I will find name and picture too.Please tell me your opinion about this fanfic you have read till now. Thanks dear friends. 🙏 🤗

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