Chapter 41

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Lan zhan pulled wei ying toward himself caressing his slapped face.Lan zhan wiped his face crying silently.He hugged wei ying tightly
"You aren't allowed to leave me!!He was ordering him but it was like a please.
Wei ying was again feeling peace once he was in his embrace.
"I don't want to leave you but i have bad feeling about tomorrow."wei ying hid his face in lan zhan's neck.After a lan zhan put his arm on back of wei ying ,another one under his knees picking him up gently.
"Lan zhan?" Wei ying looked at him confused.
"Let's talk at room"
Lan zhan put wei ying on the bed and knelt in front of him,grabbing his hands.
"Wei ying! I love you!I have never believed that one day would come i would love someone!
Nothing was attractive until i saw you i had hope to live and on top of that i was blessed to have you .Don't talk about leaving us!Promise that you will stay with me forever!" Streams of tears were covering lan zhan's face.Wei ying wiped them and kissed his forehead softly ,his lips lingering on his forehead .
He then whispered to his ear"don't cry!please, okey I promise "wei ying then knelt beside him on the ground and melted in lan zhan's hug.
Lan zhan moved wei ying to bed and lied with him.

Next day
It was time to go to the hospital.Wei ying hugged asleep ayuan and kissed him numerous time.
Ayuan woke up to see his father prepared going out "father where are you going?"
"My dear child,i have to go somewhere for a while.Your papa will look after you.Be a good boy.I love you!"wei ying departed from him and at the last moment he whispered to ayuan "i am sorry " Now he knew what his mother felt when she left him.
Wei ying was hospitalized immediately and after a few hours he would have surgery.He was nervous.Lan zhan was staying with him and with wei ying's request he had kept wei ying's mobile with himself.A message was sent to wei ying's mobile.Wei ying asked lan zhan to show it and it was a number sent by headquarter.
Lan zhan looked at him questioning.
"It is my mother's phone number .I had asked headquarter to find it for me.I-I....want to talk to her before i go!"wei ying said desperately.
Lan zhan dialed the number and gave it to wei ying.After a few rang a woman answered.
"Yes?"it was a familiar sound ,his mother was on the otherside of the line.
"..hello,mom!don't hang up please and just listen to me one minute!" Wei ying hurriedly told her.
"Speak!"she said coldly.wei ying knew why she was treating cold toward him.
"Mother!I wanted to say something.I don't want to have the regret of not saying this sooner.I love you mom,I always believed you weren't like that and our family know you are victim,they will save you ! I may never see you again but know this I love you and I am sorry for everything.I wasn't good son for you!Forgive me for that last time!
It was all i wanted to say!thanks for everything!"
Wei ying finished talking as he wanted to hang up his mother talked.
"Where are you?What happened?"
"Nothing but I thought i may don't have a chance to tell you what was in my heart!Forgive me!"
"Wait don't han-"wei ying ended the call before her mother say anything.
The phone rang again.Wei ying turned off the phone and gave it to lan zhan.
Lan zhan hold his face suddenly and kissed him intensely making him start moaning slightly.Wei ying was getting breathless and clenched lan zhan's cloth gesturing him.Lan zhan let him go and waited a little until wei ying got his breath.He started over kissing his lips and sucking it hungrily.Wei ying was getting dizzy from pleasure.He had forgotten his nervousness.
After a while they parted and a smile appeared on his face.Lan zhan was happy to see wei ying's bright smile again and smiled back at him.

It was the time to go to the surgery room.Wei ying hugged his siblings and his father.They made space for lan zhan and wei ying.
"I love you lan Zhan!"
"Love wei ying more" lan zhan kissed his forehead."i will wait for wei ying "lan zhan kissed his face all over.He pulled back as the nurses took his wei ying.
The surgery had started.Ayuan was alone at home and jiang cheng took jiang yanli to stay in the mansion.Leader jiang told him that he would go to smoke out.Lan zhan waited there patiently.
After some time lan zhan noticed a middle aged beautiful woman looking like his wei ying ,
dressed luxurious asking the reception.He had seen wei ying's mother's picture.Lan zhan went toward her and noticed she was truly wei ying's mother.Madam jiang noticed him and looked at him.
"Hello madam jiang! I am lan wangji,did you came here for wei ying?"
"Where is he?"madam jiang asked with frown.
"He is having a heart surgery now.this way!"lan zhan guided her.
"Is the risk high?"madam jiang looked to room wei ying was having surgery.
"Somehow yes!The surgery has a high percentage of success but it has also its risk"lan zhan sighed desperately.
Lan zhan could see the worry in madam jiang's eyes.After some time leader jiang came with jiang cheng.They were shocked to see her here.
"My dear!!!"
Leader jiang ran and hugged her wife tightly.
"I missed you.Forgive me for not being strong for both of us!"leader jiang told her regretting couldn't protecting his wife.
Madam jiang's face softened and hugged back his husband.It was so many years that they were parted but her heart always was his husband's.
Madam jiang pulled back and turned toward jiang cheng,opening her arms"jiang cheng!"
Jiang cheng got into his embrace and cried.
"I missed you mama,don't leave us!we are now strong enough to protect you!"
Madam jiang nodded his head.
An hour had passed suddenly a nurse ran out of the surgery room hurriedly.Lan zhan was the first to get up.
"What happened????"lan zhan shouted nervously.
"The patient has lost to much of blood it is dangerous situation "the nurse told while running.Lan zhan sat on the ground frozen.He couldn't understand anything as the time had stopped for him.He didn't even notice that the nurser came back with packs of blood.His mind was only playing yesterday when wei ying said he had bad feelings about surgery.Lan zhan's tears were streaming his face .The door was remained open and lan zhan saw wei ying lying there and doctors shouted "his heart had stopped". They  immediately gave him shock repeatedly.But the straight line of his heart was remained like that and the sound of warning of his heart didn't stopped.Lan zhan stood up and ran inside.Jiang cheng and madam jiang and leader jiang ran after him inside.Lan zhan cried wholeheartedly
calling wei ying "WEI YING!WEI YING !!!PLEASE!!LIVE FOR US!LIVE FOR ME AND AYUAN!PLEASE!PLEASE!"lan zhan was shouting and begging wei ying to come back.Jiang cheng and leader jiang hold lan zhan not to went near and disturb them.Suddenly the sound was stopped and the heart line wasn't straight anymore!Wei ying was breathing!
Wei ying unconsciously heard lan zhan shouting and it was like a miracle for him to come back.
Doctors checked his pulse and after they were sure he was fine they backed away.Jiang cheng and leader jiang were shocked and lan zhan got out of their hold and went beside wei ying.
Madam jiang was confused and shocked.He didn't know why lan wangji was acting like that but more than that she was first shocked feeling empty for a moment not being able to see his son but then she was happy that his son was successfully came back to life.They went near bed.Lan zhan was grabbing wei ying's hand and hold it near his own face kissing it repeatedly and crying from joy.He kissed wei ying's forehead .
Wei ying opened his eyes slightly seeing lan zhan for a moment."l-lan...zh-han"wei ying weakly called him.lan zhan kissed his face again
"Yes my love ,my wei ying i am here"Lan zhan was repeating those word pouring his love into them.
"D-Don'" wei ying hardly said.
Lan zhan wiped his face "I won't cry!you get better I won't cry!my life!"Lan zhan was kissing his fingers one be one.Wei ying smiled faintly turned his head other side seeing his mother
"Mot-ther-r!!!" But he couldn't stay awake anymore and closed his eyes.He was exhausted like hell.
Madam jiang grabbed his other hand and squeezed it.leader jiang stood beside his wife and caressed wei ying's face.jiang cheng came and saw how his brother was fine now.lan zhan kissed wei ying's palm,filling his cold hand with his warm lips.His tears were still streaming.The nurses came and took wei ying to a room.All the way lan zhan grabbed his hand and didn't let him go.Wei ying was moved to VIP room.
Leader jiang patted lan zhan's shoulder "son ,go rest,today was so much shock to everyone "
Lan zhan hold wei ying's hand tightly and told firmly "NO !I will stay with him!I can't leave him alone!"
"But if both of you are here,Ayuan will feel lonely!
"I will tell someone to fetch him here.I can take care of both of my family!"lan zhan stubbornly said.
Madam jiang stood infront of lan zhan and asked him
"What is your relationship with my son?"
"I love him and I will marry him soon"lan zhan answered boldly he even hadn't proposed yet.
"What if I don't allow?"madam jiang challenged him .Once leader jiang challenged lan zhan with this question.As lan zhan wanted to answer her, leader jiang interrupted and told her"sigh! I also asked him that question long ago and do you know what he told me?,he told me he would take wei ying away and ran somewhere we can't disturb them.He truly loves our son!"
Madam jiang looked back again at lan zhan to see the look in his eyes showing his determination.
"We will talk about this matter later!"madam jiang finished.As she wanted to go back leader jiang hold her"Don't go they might be already aware that you are suspicious!We will attack as soon as possible!stay with our son!"
Madam jiang did as his husband said and sat on the other side of wei ying on the chair.Jiang yanli came inside hurriedly with ayuan in his hug.She stopped as soon as she saw her mother.She looked confused at them.Lan zhan grabbed ayuan from her and she went near her mother ,hugged her like jiang cheng did.madam jiang patted her back saying"Mother is back!I won't leave you anymore!"
Ayuan was in lan zhan's embrace.
"Papa,father is sleeping?"ayuan said cutely.Lan zhan kissed his forehead
"Mn.he will wake up soon"
Lan zhan put ayuan beside wei ying holding ayuan from behind.Ayuan caressed his father's cheek and put his hand on his face.
"Father !wake up soon"
When ayuan looked on the other side of the bed he saw madam jiang.He wasn't good with strangers and felt insecure.Ayuan turned to his father and wanted to get back to him.
Lan zhan took him back into his embrace and sat on the chair again.Ayuan was hugging his neck closely .Madam jiang looked at ayuan and tuned to his daughter" who is this child?why is he calling wei ying father?!"asked with frown.
"Wei ying had adopted him" she answered.
"So why he calls lan zhan papa?"
"Umm,cau-use..."jiang yanli didn't know what to say.
"Because me and wei ying found him and we will get married so he is my son too"lan zhan finished jiang yanli's word boldly.

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