Bad guys

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Wei ying was melted in lan zhan's embrace when they heared sound of ying's stomach warning them it is empty.
"Let's go eat breakfast,i will prepare it" lan zhan said near his ears making wei ying got out of his embrace while blushing.
"Okey "
Lan zhan grabbed his hand and dragged him slowly behind himself toward kitchen.He then pulled a sit ,lead wei ying sit their.
"Wait here"
Wei ying nodded cutely like a child waiting for his parent.Lan zhan chuckled at this sight "adorable" he whispered.
"What?" Wei ying shocked by his light laughing.
Wei ying was sure he heared "adorable",but didn't persist as he saw lan zhan was busy preparing food.
After a while, food was prepared ,decorated infront of wei ying.Wei ying was drowning in the food's delicious taste while complaining lan zhan
"Lan zhan,it is so delicious ,I didn't know you could cook this good, whoever marry you will be the luckiest one!"wei ying said without noticing what he was saying suddenly he understood what he said and he then looked at lan zhan shockedly to see that his lip was curved faintly upwrad.
He remained silent for rest of the breakfast. lan zhan was getting ready to go as he stayed from yesterday night here.Wei ying went after him till the door watching lan zhan grabbing wei ying's hand and squeezing it lightly before letting him go.
"Lan zhan see you later"
"Mn.see wei ying later"lan zhan said calmly before walking toward his car.
Wei ying decided to go out today buying some groceries with Ayuan.He was missing Ayuan already despite the fact that they saw each other yesterday.He was sure wen ning and Ayuan were sleeping deeply as they didn't hear him and lan zhan.
He went energetically toward Wen Ning's room as Ayuan was sleeping there.He opened the door slowly and walked toward Ayuan sleeping adorably next to wen ning.He kissed Ayuan's forehead like his own child and shook him slightly."Ayuan my lovely child,don't you want to wake up?"Ayuan opened his eyes slightly ,looking dumbly at him.He noticed wei ying and opened his arms toward him happily so wei ying would hug him.
Wei ying hugged him eagerly and kissed his chubby cheeks.Ayuan giggled cutely.He took little Ayuan to eat breakfast after washing his face.
"Do you want to go out today?I am gonna go buy some stuffs."
Ayuan titled his head cutely saying"can i go and have fun too?"
"Why not? You are my lovely child.I am your father,you are my dear child.remember it what happenes i will support you,I won't allow anyone to take you away from me,you are my precious son and keep it in mind we are each other's family."Ayuan started crying innocently.
"Why are you crying my love?"
"Cause .. I didn't have anyone .Ayuan was lonely no mother no father."Ayuan said crying.
Wei ying's tears fell from his eyes as he could understand what it felt to grow up without mother."Ayuan my child i swear i will protect you,you don't have to worry,i will be your mom also your dad ,don't worry about anything ,there is no need for you to feel lonely anymore.I will fill your lonely days." Wei ying said while hugging ayuan in his chest reassuring him that he is here for Ayuan.
"Let's eat breakfast and get out and have fun"wei ying changed the topic while wiping his eyes gently.
It was noon when wei ying decided to go out with Ayuan.
"Wen ning,we are going out we will come back for dinner,don't worry bye."
After they said goodbye wei ying didn't take his car and decided to take bus or walk till they reach their destination.He wanted to show Ayuan a park that was near a beautiful lake. He picked up Ayuan cause Ayuan could not walk anymore and was tired.They were passing a alley as shortcut toward the lake when wei ying saw 5 men surrounding an old man.As those men were looking like rubbers and they seemed dangerous.
His justice didn't allow him to step back.
As he got closer he heared them saying:
"Hey old man it is better to give what you have before i show you my other face"threatening old man,showing his knife.
Before old man say anything ,wei ying interrupted them:
"Hey guys, you are so weak to show your force to an old man what about talking with my punch before showing off your knife?!wei ying provoked them.
"Hey baby boy don't interfere with our business."
Wei ying put Ayuan down"my lovely child watch your father teaching those bad guys a lesson hmm?"
Ayuan nodded adorably.wei ying kissed his hair and walked toward those men.
"Let this baby boy teach you a lesson"
Wei ying was skilled in martial arts due to his special condition and his background.It was piece of cake for him to knock out them.after five minutes they were lying on floor,feeling pain all over their bodies ,they couldn't move slightest.

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