Upset jiang cheng

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They decided to take wei ying to VIP room big enough for wei ying and lan zhan staying there. Ayuan wanted to stay but it was not possible so wei ying promised him that they will take him in the morning to meet him and ayuan accepted hardly.Wei ying was relieved .
He pulled back and made a space for lan zhan to lie beside him.Lan zhan gladly lied and covered themselves with blanket.He kissed his forehead ,hugged him closely and slept peacefully.
It was in the morning,wei ying felt a small hand touching his face.He opened his eyes slightly to see Ayuan sitting on his bed and jiang cheng standing behind him rolling his eyes.
Wei ying sat slowly not to wake up lan zhan and hugged ayuan.He went to wash his face and gave ayuan to jiang cheng for a while.Afrer he finished he silently hugged ayuan warmly feeling full of love for him.This little boy was really like his really child maybe more than that.He kissed his hair numerous time.He and jiang cheng went out to the garden of the hospital and they sat on bench.Wei ying was caressing Ayuan's hair
"Sometimes i think i am not competent enough as his father.I feel absurd that I can't take care of him properly.Sometimes I don't know how to show him my love maybe because we have not seen motherly affection that i don't know how to show him my love"wei ying 's eyes were teary and finally he couldn't resist and started crying.Jiang cheng hugged him brotherly .He was feeling the same lacking the motherly affection but wei ying was the most emotional one between them and was so dependent one to his mother.
Jiang cheng could feel that there was a hole in his brother's heart that only his mother could fill it.
"I miss her and ...I-I believe she is not like what we know maybe there is a reason she left us."
Wei ying could feel jiang cheng's grip tightening.
Jiang cheng pulled back and angrily said"we don't need her and what reason did she have except being after money ?!!!!"
Wei ying thought that it was early to say him about mother so he didn't say anything .Jiang cheng left them angrily.As soon as wei ying saw lan zhan running toward them he wiped his face quickly .Lan zhan hugged him tightly and told him worriedly "you weren't there when i woke up!i was worried.Why are you crying?Do you have pain or did jiang cheng make you upset?I will deal with him."lan zhan became angry at the thought of Jiang cheng making his love cry.
Wei ying grabbed his hand quickly"No!!He didn't do anything i was the one who make him upset .It is my fault.Can you sent someone after him ? I am afraid something would happen to him".Lan zhan called lan xichen as he knew his brother could calm down Jiang cheng .
"Brother can you call jiang cheng and look after him?Wei ying and him had some argument."
"Okey i will call him now"lan xichen hurriedly told him and after that he dialed jiang cheng's number.When he answered lan xichen told him
"I want to see you now give me your address"
Jiang chend sent it and met him.Lan xichen just hugged him tightly remaining silent.
Wei ying was upset about jiang cheng as it was his fault that made his brother remember painful memories.He remained silent like that and lan zhan just took ayuan from him and grabbed wei ying's hand.He took wei ying to the room and helped him lie down on bed.wei ying just closed his eyes and slept all day.After he woke up it was already night and he just stared from the window to outside.Lan zhan woke up when he sensed a movement and watched wei ying looking desperately outside.Wei ying had slept for such a long hours and he sent ayuan back when he was asleep.Lan zhan turned on the light and warmed some food for him.Wei ying just ate obediently when lan zhan fed him.Then he curled into lan zhan's embrace.He felt lan zhan kissing his forehead saying goodnight to him.He just hugged lan zhan tightly and fell sleep.

Next day
Wei ying was just staring outside.He hadn't talked a word from yesterday.Lan zhan couldn't endure his depression and knew the source of him so he went directly to jiang cheng.His brother was staying with jiang cheng from yesterday so it was easy to find him.
Lan zhan grabbed his collar "You will finish tgis argument and will talk to wei ying.From yesterday he hasn't talked a word and the last thing I heared from him was I made him upset it is my fault ,he just sleeps or just stares outside of the window.He blames himself because of you!!"
Lan zhan was truly angry as he had reached his limits.
Jiang cheng was shocked ,he didn't know his brother would blame himself .It was not at all his fault that they didn't have their mother but when he mentioned her he lost his temper.
Jiang cheng ran toward hospital and went to wei ying's room to see him staring out of the window.
He didn't even notice someone has entered.When he walked closer wei ying turned to the sound and saw him.Wei ying looked down as he was ashamed to look in his brother's eyes.
Jiang cheng stood infront of him and raise his chin to look directly at his eyes.
"I am sorry"wei ying talked for the first time since yesterday.His eyes were teary.Jiang cheng hugged him tightly "Don't be sorry you aren't the one at fault i should not have been angry.Forgive me!"
Wei ying cried loudly"I promise i will make everything better!"
Then they separated.After that wei ying looked like usual and wasn't desperate anymore.
Wei ying looked at lan zhan and mouthed"thank you"he knew lan zhan took jiang cheng heared.
Lan zhan just kissed him .He missed his usual Wei ying.

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