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Before the doctor came,they tried to decrease his fever with wet towel.Wei ying's face was in pain even when he had fainted.Wei ying was turning his head slightly to left and right and he was sweating.It seemed he was in a nightmare.He started calling faintly "mother!!.......mother....No
...don't go.....mother!!!"he shouted the last part and sat suddenly.His eyes were wide as he was terrified and he was sweating all over his face.He instantly pulled off the blanket and stood.Then he ran toward the door telling himself "mother mother!!mother!!" but jiang cheng and lan zhan caught him before he could get out.Wei ying told them"let me go,let me go i should go now"he tried to break their hold.Jiang cheng suddenly stood in front of him and slapped him to get him to reality.Wei ying got shocked and didn't move anymore just stared at him then noticed everything.He sat down slowly and started crying.Lan zhan couldn't bear to see him cry sat down with him ,hugging him tightly.Wei ying hugged him back as he had found his safe place again.
"Wei ying talk to us please,what happened?where did you go?"lan zhan demanded him worriedly.Lan zhan rubbed his back gently.
"I..I wanted to find mom and i found out today she will go out today from jins.I followed her .She noticed me ...and told me to myself.When she saw me .....she was surprised and ....told me to leave.I told her if jins forced her to stay there exchange of letting me go ....cause they kidnapped me at that time,but...but ...she said she hated us .....she didn't want me,but I didn't believe her and i begged her to stay .She just walked away .....but when she looked back she whispered... I am sorry mother loves you ......lan zhan to save me she sacrificed herself i am useless it was better i never have been so she wouldn't leave her family."
Lan zhan's grip tightened around him
"Nothing is your fault we will save her surely don't cry!your family doesn't blame you!I will save her from sure.I haven't got my blessing from mother in law yet!" lan zhan tried to joke the last part.Wei ying chuckled slightly hearing him.
Now he was calmer.He turned to jiang cheng to see him crying quietly all the time.Wei ying pulled back from lan zhan's hug and hold jiang cheng tightly saying"I am sorry!i should have told you but I didn't want to give you false hope I could not see you get hurt i am sorry forgive me brother!He wiped jiang cheng's face.
"It is not your fault,It is jins .You were always hurting instead of us by keeping it to yourself i am sorry that i am not a good brother."
Jiang yanli joined them and the three hugged each other.Leader jiang was ashamed as he wasn't with them properly when they were growing up .He was determined to save his wife.
They pulled back from the hug .Wei ying's head was hurting badly and spinning.He hold his head with his one hand.Lan zhan noticed he was in pain and picked him up ,helped him lie on bed.
Wei ying just grabbed his head "my head hurts"
A moment later doctor came and examined him.
"He has a high fever because of that his head hurts,we should decrease his fever as soon as possible or if it goes higher it will be dangerous "
Lan zhan changed the soak towel on his forehead repeatedly and opened his cloth's buttons to wiped his body.Jiang cheng put his legs into water.They did it for an hour until they checked his temperature and it was normal.Lan zhan looked at Wei ying's sleeping face as it was so innocent and cute.He didn't like wei ying crying or being sad.Lan zhan told everyone they could go rest as he would take care of him.He was awake until the sun rised and would check his temperature numerous time and admired his lover's beautifulness.Wei ying was truly ethereal.
He fell sleep.Wei ying woke up feeling his hand was hold by someone.He turned his head and saw lan zhan sleeping cutely beside him on the bed without a blanket.He pulled his hand out and sat.He covered lan zhan with his own blanket.
Then wei ying bend over,put his hand on lan zhan and kissed his head.After that he kissed his lips softly not to wake him up.He whispered "i love you lan zhan".When he was satisfied he pulled himself closer upward and hugged lan zhan.His hands wrapped around lan zhan.
Suddenly lan zhan hugged him back tightly.
Wei ying looked up to see lan zhan awake.
"When did you wake up?"
"I waked up when someone put blanket over me."
Wei ying blushed,so he was awake when wei ying kissed him secretly.
Lan zhan hold his head and kissed him intensly making wei ying moan and grab his cloth for air.
"Wei ying is okey now?"lan zhan asked while rubbing his cheek.
"Now i am fine thank you lan zhan .Yesterday i was feeling like dying but being with you helps me to get over any difficulty.You are so perfect and i am blessed to have you."
Wei ying looked lovely at those golden eyes.

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