Upset lan zhan

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In the morning,wei ying woke up feeling heaviness in his chest , looking blurry, not remembering for a moment what was he doing here ,the last thing he remembered was arguing with his father, walking away from him and seeing lan zhan.Thought of lan zhan snapped him out.Why was lan zhan there?did he hear me?tones of questions were driving to his mind.

When he looked beside the sofa,he noticed lan zhan sleeping soundlessly while leaning toward the sofa.He was resting his head on the sofa that he was sure if he wakes up he would definitely need neck massage.Lan zhan was looking so calm sleeping.Wei ying thought how he could be this breathtaking and beautiful.Not only his face but his behavior could attract anyone.He was caring,
kind ,always would be there when you need him.

If he was honest with himself ,lan zhan was so perfect that his heart desired him so much.
As he was thinking to himself,he streched his hand , stroking softely his silky hairs.they were so soft and he pushed his hand through his hair stroking gently ,feeling the pleasant emotion streaming through his heart.By the little movement from lan zhan he retreated quickly and watched as those golden eyes opened slowly.

He retreated his hand but lan zhan grabbed it again gently , squeezing his hand.
"Don't you feel any pain?
" i am completely fine"Lan zhan looked at his eyes directly to see his sincerity.
Wei ying masked a fake smile"oh lan zhan,i am good ,i am healthy i swear"

Lan zhan didn't say anything but just glared at him knowing his heart may had a problem and he wasn't telling the truth.It just made his frown more.wei ying squeezed his hand slightly reassuring him.As wei ying wanted to sit down,he felt so exhausted that he was falling backward when lan zhan caught him and put his hand at back of wei ying,helping him sitting down.

As wei ying settled down, lan zhan grabbed both his hands and took them near his own chest.
"Wei ying doesn't trust me"he pouted for the first time in his life.
""No!lan zhan!I really really trust you,why do you think like that!wei ying said hurriedly as he didn't want any misunderstanding between himself and lan zhan.As lan zhan just remained silent,wei ying moved his hands along lan zhan's
and cupped his face softly.
"Lan wangji"
"Lan zhaan"
"Lan gege"
Lan zhan was avoiding eye contact and was blushing.His ears were red , but wei ying tried teasing him so he would make eye contact with him. wei ying got his face closer to lan zhan when lan zhan noticed his face was getting closer and closer,he immediately looked at him directly to stop him from teasing.

"Hmm..tell me,if you don't tell me how can i know"wei ying said with teary eye as he couldn't bear lan zhan being upset with him.Wei ying's teary eyes made lan zhan's heart melt as he made his love cry because of himself.As he wiped his tears "Wei Ying, you didn't tell me who are you,you even didn't tell me your real name ,your eyes color!"When wei ying heared his real name from lan zhan he frozed like a stone.He even did not have a strength to get his eyes of those golden eyes. "I..I am sorryy!lan zhan I didn't want to lie but i.. couldn't tell the truth!sorrrry!i am so sorry!I didn't want to betray to your trust!forgive me please!wei ying was crying wholeheartedly as he didn't want lan zhan to hate him.
Lan zhan wiped his face again gently.
"Don't cry, wei ying shouldn't cry,it breaks my heart when you cry"lan zhan said trying to stop him from crying as his heart was really getting broken seeing him sad.
"Wei ying should promise"
"I ..I promise so don't be mad at me"
"Promise to tell me everything,when you have pain tell me"lan zhan touched his pale face softly cupping his left cheek.
"I really promise!"wei ying said nervously,waiting for lan zhan's reaction impatiently.
Lan zhan didn't say anything but wrapped his arms around wei ying tightly,putting wei ying's head on his chest.After a while:
"Forgiven"just this word meant a lot to wei ying he hugged him back tightly ,smelling his body as it was so pleasant for him.

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