27 July, 2021.

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Let's talk about The Blood : Deathmatch Ep 9, shall we?

So at the end of the previous episode, we saw that Jacob got captured for the third time and lost to New. However, he still didn't become a vampire!

Cause he had 2 ampoules with him! So either Kevin and New hadn't use their ampoules in the first round or I misinterpreted what Sunwoo said after that round. Eitherway, I'm relieved that the ampoules haven't just been abandoned. Now we know for sure that only the green ampoule remains.

So at the beginning of round 2, the teams were

Wolf Team :
-> Q
-> Younghoon
-> Sunwoo
-> Jacob

Vampire Team :
-> Haknyeon
-> Juyeon
-> Eric
-> Sangyeon
-> New
-> Kevin
-> Hyunjae

I initially thought that the King Wolf can keep changing in each round but apparently the King Wolf once selected remains the same for all 3 rounds. That's once again a disadvantage for the Wolf Team cause Juyeon with his sharp observation + reasoning skills was quickly able to narrow the options down to Younghoon and Q.

His logic was that the Wolf Team would never send the King Wolf in the first round cause the game ends when the King gets caught. That rules out Sunwoo (along with Hyunjae, New and Kevin ofcourse. The game would've ended quite a couple episodes ago if either of them had been the King). Then in the second round, only Jacob participated from the Wolf's side which means he was definitely defending the remaining 2 Wolfs - Q and Younghoon.

If that's the case then the King Wolf's special ability to re-recruit Hyunjae back to the Wolf's side doesn't really change much for the game. Cause the vampires already know Hyunjae isn't the King. Even if there's yet another plot twist and it's revealed that the King Wolf has been changed, any of the other members would've been better candidates.

Because while Hyunjae is usually very reliable during games, in this show, he's taken up the role of an entertainer than being a player since the beginning.

Anyways, we know that no such plot twist exists at this point cause Hyunjae, Jacob and Sunwoo were eventually caught but the game is still going on.

I'm surprised Younghoon and Q were easily able to find a place to hide whereas all other members who went before them struggled to do so. Younghoon, being the strategist of the Wolf Team suggested Q to be disguised as a cameraman and follow Younghoon around. I have seen this trick in some other variety shows as well but it's always fun to see it being used.

The Vampire Team has one Summoning Item left (the same one Juyeon had used to capture Hyunjae) so now with only 1 min left until the end of the round, the only thing they have to decide is which one of the two should they use it on.

They kept showing that the Vampires are most suspicious Younghoon so keeping in line with the twists they've shown, I'm guessing Sangyeon ultimately calls for Q instead.

But here's another doubt - in the preview of the next round, they're again playing a Vampire vs. Wolf game with the Wolf Team being :

-> Members with Wolf headband - Q and Younghoon
-> Member with both Vampire and Wolf headband - Hyunjae
-> Member with no headband - Jacob and Sunwoo

Hai? How did this happen? Let's wait for the next episode to find out.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now