10 May, 2023.

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I had a lazy morning. When will this changeeeee.

First, I figured out some Commitee work. Then I put my bedsheet for a wash, got myself washed and left for office around 2 PM even though it's a holiday today.

There was nobody in office but I worked till 6:30 PM. I had planned to meet Steffani at a mall that was neither too close nor too far from my place. Since my bank balance was already too drained from all my previous travels and outings, I had decided to travel via bus. And buses only accept hard cash, no UPI whatsoever.

It was only once I had come out of office that I realised that I had left my wallet in the other bag and it was sat nicely in my PG room.

Going back to PG would've taken a lot of time and I legit needed only 50 bucks so I decided to ask for it from the shops outside my office in return for E payment. Boy, people are so not helpful in this city. Assholes. Luckily I was able to convince someone after 15 mins of disappointment.

I took my bus and went to the mall. There was significant walking involved in the middle tho cause the buses only ran on the main highway and this mall was a lil more towards the outskirts. I met Steffani (after a really long time!) and we caught up on each others' lives.

We roamed around the mall but since today was a city-wide day off, not much was open. Steffani frequents this mall but all her usual places were closed today so we settled for a Chinese restaurant we found along the way. The food was good, the company even better. We even video called Vera for a bit. Wish she could be here with us too.

After having dinner, we walked a little and had waffles at a dessert bar/stall right outside the mall. It felt very calming.

Even though there were hiccups in the middle, I'd still consider today as a day well spent.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now