3 July, 2022.

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Today I had a new social experience.

For the first time since I came here, there was no official schedule. We were free to do what we wanted for the entire day.

I spent a lazy morning (I'm actually surprised that I call this lazy when this was exactly me back at home) where I spent time rearranging a couple of items in the room, updated my items list, took a hair bath, washed clothes and put them for drying, took stock of how much food I have at hand. I also spoke to my parents for quite some time.

Not just them but I spoke to Kristen and Amanda some time during the day as well. It feel quite nice to have people back at home to talk to.

During lunch, we met some guy and decided to accompany him to the same nearby mall we had visited yesterday. My roommate's newly made friend also wanted to buy some stuff so we just grouped them together and took off in the evening.

So we were three fems and three males and what I found interesting was that we naturally fell into 3 female-male 2s and walked that way for the almost the entire stretch. And when we came back, each of us shuffled and ended up with some other female/male.

So I majorly interacted with 2 of the 3 guys and they seemed quite nice. Apparently they both have some level of social anxiety and seemed to have only clicked with me besides each other. Not gonna lie, that felt nice to hear.

We went to a mall, the others shopped for a bit, I got myself a mouthwash and we left to go another store. After getting stuff done at the mall, we visited a nearby cafe/lounge to have some beers. I just had one beer cause the people were still new to me. The place was quite nice tho! The interior was something I would've found back in my hometown and but never in this city.

After coming back to campus, we had dinner. The two guys I met offered to meet up at one of their rooms to drink a bit more/play some games. I decided to take my games but not drink this time.

We had a really good time! At least I did. We played bluff for mostly the entire duration that we were there. We also spoke for a bit here and there. Everyone seemed comfortable by the end.

At 12, we went to the campus cafe stall to "celebrate" some random dude's birthday. Wasn't very comfortable with the people there so just left after wishing the guy.

I honestly wasn't aware of the party scene at this college. I know that I will still not be comfortable going for the "wild" parties but I'm glad that this was my first "party/drinking hangout" experience. Not sure if we'll stay in touch but today will still remain a good day for me.

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