5 May, 2023.

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Today was an unusually chill day at work.

It was the last day with this particular team and both my main managers weren't around. 3 others had their last day. So my bay was more or less empty throughout the day.

It was only when I came to office that I realised that it was my turn for the news today. I worked for a good hour and a half until Priscilla sent out the email. Wut? Turns out, she thought it was her turn every Friday. Dude, there are 6 interns here!

Anyways, the interns we're tasked with listing down their learnings for the past 3 weeks but legit no one was in a mood to do that.

I, for the most part of the day, organised my files, updated my internship notes doc and tried to get some ad hoc work done. I was stuck in one task but since Diego was out of office, I decided to skip it in hopes that he won't ask for it when he comes back.

That gave me a lot of time to fool around. We had early lunch today, I went for a (really delicious) mango nachos break with Priscilla. I also finally got to experience the recreation zone they have here!

It's a room where one can play table tennis, foosball, snooker, chess, carrom and PS! All the tables were occupied so the Priscilla and I took a shot at the PS. We played NBA and we had no idea how to go about it for the most part :P

It was quite fun tho!! Would love to come back and try other stuff but I don't think I'll get days like today again.

I was in good shape to leave early today but I needed to properly speak to one of the 3 departing employees, especially since he's from my alma mater. But I'm glad that I stayed back. He gave real good advice.

Us interns have been trying to make a dinner plan since ages but we're never able to get free at the same time. Sadie and I decided to go out so at least something works out.

The two of us stay on the same lane so we decided to go to a popular South Indian restaurant nearby. Food was nice, company was nice! Never thought I'd be speaking this much with her given our dynamics within college. But it felt good. If the two of us get PPOs, I can see a chance for this acquaintance-ship to grow further.

I came back home and spoke to my parents and Alex for a while. Alex has his final interview for one of the companies he's applied for and it seems to be going in the positive direction for now. Would love for him to bag the position!

I have a relaxed weekend ahead of me. With my roommate also off to her hometown for a couple of weeks, I'm really going to get a taste of how it feels to live alone.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now