7 May, 2023.

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I woke up by 11:30 AM today and after getting freshened up, went out to buy snacks, drinks and shampoo. I took a long and much needed hair bath after that and had lunch at the PG itself for once.

Kristen and I had plans to watch Guardians of the Galaxy and we chose a theatre that was a lil far off for both of us but was very close to a popular street that Kristen wanted to take me to.

So I got ready and left my house post lunch but I COULDN'T FUCKING GET A TRANSPORT FOR A FUCKING HOUR! I tried everything - cab, rick, bus, metro even - but the route suggested by metro and bus was really really long and I faced multiple, I repeat, MULTIPLE rejections from cabs and ricks. ARRRGGHHH

I'm fine with dealing with traffic but I need to at least be in a vehicle for that!

After getting into an overpriced cab, I reached the theatre an hour into the movie. Even though I couldn't watch the beginning, I really liked the movie! Come to think of it, I think I've always had good things to say about each installment of GOTG.

Post the movie, we took some pictures in the washroom and then started heading towards the popular street. The roads were quite wide here and it felt nice walking through the area. We first entered Starbucks and got ourselves some coffee as there was an offer today.

The actual street was even better! It was an absolutely lovely place that felt like a model town with cobbled floor and British architecture.

The street had cute cafes, bookstores, clothing stores on both the sides and some roadside stalls that made the entire street look like an open air exhibition.

We entered one of the bookstores Kristen had been wanting to visit and spent some time there. She got herself 3 books after deliberating for a long time and we headed back to the street.

We had some sweet corn, bought candles, took pictures and had some really tasty burgers. Kristen recommended to have ice cream as well but my stomach was pretty much full by that time so it was just her who had it. A couple of guys were busking right outside the ice cream parlour so we sat there and vibed to them along with the others around. It was a pretty chill vibe, I absolutely loved it!

Now, it was a TASK trying to get to this place. But I had a more adventurous and slightly scary journey back home. Transport is expensive in this city and the prices shoot up even more during night time.

It was 10:30 PM by the time we decided to part ways. There were some ricks present but they were charging an exorbitant amount and I was so not willing to get robbed by them. Nor was I getting any cab. So, even if I had 5% battery, I decided to take a metro and move closer to my area before taking a rick.

I desperately needed a place to charge my phone as it was draining fast but nothing was open.

I hate this city's transportation. Needed to say that again.

I reached the metro station and tried requesting the ticket counter guys to allow me to charge my phone but they flat out refused. There were legit 2-3 people around, I don't know why do they have to be such jackasses. I'm a lone woman trying to get her way through this city at night time and these guys have no ounce of sympathy. Pathetic.

I kept looking around for a plug point until I found one at one of the corners of the station. I knew I was getting even more late but my phone desperately needed some juice so I took a risk of leaving one metro train in hopes of catching the next one, if there was any.

Thankfully, there was another metro in the pipeline and I boarded that to reach near my place. And guess what, the rick guys there charged the exact same amount as the ones present on that street. WHAT. THE. FUCK?! Granted that it's night time but how can you be so selfish to try and fool somebody this bad. I was furious by this time. There has been absolutely no nice person that I met since leaving Kristen. Fucking annoying.

After waiting for a while I ultimately got a rick through one of the apps and I somehow reached back home.

I hope I only remember the good parts of today when I think back to this day years from now.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now