12 July, 2022.

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Let's talk boys, shall we?

I don't know if it is either due to the gender disparity or whether I'm changing but for the first time in my life, I've bonded with more guys than the fems.

In a class of 600, it's obviously not possible to befriend everyone but I have made quite a few friends or even "hi/bye" acquaintances. And some of them have become a bit closer and I have spent quite some time with them. I wanted to talk a little about everyone.

First of all, there are two guys who I met within the first 3 days of college. One of them was a part of my group during the exercise day and he introduced me to another guy during breakfast. I inturn introduced them to Steffani and next door friend, Samantha and we have sort of become a group now. One of them gives off a proper friend vibe while the other one does flirt. They're currently residing in a separate campus, which is probably why they seem a bit annoyed at the ones who stay in the main campus. I have a feeling, the flirt wants to get with either of us girls. But it's okay, things are still chill for now. And I do have fun with them as a group.

The next guy is one of the guys I had my first drink with. He randomly sat next to my friends during lunch one day and after I joined, we all agreed to make a shopping and a lil drinking plan. I was actually surprised how quickly I said yes to the plan considering how I didn't even know the dude before. He invited another friend (who is an extreme introvert and with whom I haven't had any one on one conversation since) and yup, we went shopping and lil drinking. Post that I have visited the guy's room 3-4 times, mostly after dinner. During one such time, I even watched a horror movie with him wherein we'd held hands cause he was scared. Now with this guy, I feel like if things go the way they do, something I don't particularly want might end up happening. I do enjoy the slight advances but looking at some of his views (and age) I definitely don't see us being involved. Plus, he's also moody and apparently he's had someone else coming up to his room now. So I guess this is his way to cope up with breakups and life in general and I'm okay with it.

The fourth guy is someone who I met during my second workshop. He was just someone from my group who increasingly became close from the next day onwards. He... is actually a confusing one. He seems to have a friend circle but isn't fully attached to them. He talks to a lot of people but I can never tell who he properly properly bonds with. We have had our share of night walks and Nescafe meets. He even invited me to one of the campus birthday parties. After that he told me about how his group (or friends he hangs out with) are trying to get him together with some other girl who seemingly likes him. He doesn't seem to feel the same so sometimes I feel like he comes to me cause he wants the others to get off his back knowing that he has someone else he's interested in. And as I expected, the moment I got talking to some other guy from their group, he asked me whether we're dating. For this one, I really really hope he finds some trusted guy friend and is able to get away from the setting up phase of that group's friendship. He encourages me to study so I want to remain friends with him. And also, he's a nice one.

The last guy I'll talk about is ironically the first guy I befriended after coming to this new place and life. On my first day here, somebody posted on one of the unofficial groups that they needed soframycin. I would've ideally just ignored it and waited for someone else to reply to him instead but for some reason I felt like being helpful to someone. And as of today I'm really glad that I did. I met this guy and we spoke briefly before parting ways but I would get a message from him every night and we would have a good chat about our day (another unexpected change in me - It was impossible for me to chat for the longest time before this). It took us a couple of days before we finally properly met and spent time with each other as well as my newly formed group. And we hit it off quite well. Out of all the guys I feel the most comfortable talking to him. I'm not sure whether I'm developing a crush or not (it's way too early to think about this) but I do look forward to meeting him everyday. And we have lowkey flirted once or twice. But let's look at some concerns as well. Out of all the guys I've mentioned above I think I know the least about him even after talking so much. He is a hard core sports person so I don't meet him much during the evenings or at night, we mostly meet up after our classes and I don't know how long will it take before he also gets a group of his own and this meet-up stops again (he is very friendly with my female friends but I think he doesn't really get along with with those two males). For example, we were planning to meet during snacks but we ended up sitting separately. I would love for us to remain proper friends, perhaps become even better friends in the near future.

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