10 June, 2021.

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I woke up at 9:30AM today. Normally, after brushing my teeth and drinking coffee, I go and help mom with the Chapatis. But today, she had already finished making them so I had time at hand to read the newspaper again.

I ended up reading only the first page after which I headed to my laptop. I spent around half an hour learning another Korean lesson on Duolingo. It was about pronouns.

I then read a bunch of Anders Liu-Lindberg articles before going for a bath around 11:30AM. Following that, I went through the Telegram groups and attempted the Vocab questions put up on my coaching channel till 12:15.

My next set of work for my internship is to decipher some expense claims. Took some time, but I figured it out.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now