8 July, 2022.

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Today I ventured outside my college city for the first time.

In the morning, I made a mistake of taking a mildly sleep inducing medicine for my cough. And dude, I have no idea how I wasn't caught almost zoning out and dozing off in the first lecture. I literally couldn't get myself to concentrate on what the professor was saying. I've learnt my lessons now and won't repeat them.

I had a Case Study class and a Quantitative Methods class in the first half. As far as I remember, there isn't any home work to be done for the next class. I'll just have to look at the QM formulae again.

Post lunch, we had an online Critical Thinking class. We had a presentation assignment but since I had no clue what the assignment meant, I left that work to the other members. I was never a free loader in my undergrad so I do feel guilty but I am determined to be more present and contribute to the assignments next time. I just hope I haven't made a bad impression on my group mates cause we're going to be in the same group for at least a month.

After coming back to my room, Steffani and I started getting ready for our evening plan. I kinda like how all these plans are so spontaneous. During this time, the hostel ladies came and in an highly entertaining showmanship, helped us get rid of a insect hive formed outside our window.

The 5 of us met after 5:30PM, booked an SUV and left for another city. It was quite interesting to see the outdoors here. There are some elements that I can see back in my home town and some others that were completely new to me. Playing songs also helped create a good atmosphere.

After about an hour long drive, we reached a huge ass mall. We went straight for Smaaaash, which was our plan for the day...

Well, I guess the plan was to go Bowling but there was a 4 hour waiting time!!! What the fuck?!!

So we ended up playing some other games. I was obviously aware of a lot of the games but there were some new ones too. From among the ones I knew, we played Basketball, throwball, air hockey, Kung Fu panda, Rifle Shooting and Smasher.

From among the new ones, there was this 4 player game based on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I had absolutely no clue what was going on😂 Fighting video games were never really my forte.

Another one was a alcohol luck pick up machine! That's an interesting twist to the game. :P

We had dinner at their food court. Again, they had retail chains available in my hometown as well as some new ones. True to my experimenting self, I ended up taking an Asian box. The food was quite nice but the next time I go out, I will share my food with someone. It was a pain to try and finish the entire box on my own. My friends did have some of it but I regretfully had to the leave around half of the box there. I honestly would've taken it back to my room had we had a fridge here.

I was a bit scared after we came out of the mall. My city obviously has beggars but they are not at all as stubborn as the ones here. These people are borderline scary. And yes, the news that I've heard about this side of the country all throughout my life also doesn't allow me to be completely comfortable when I'm outside.

Anyways, one of my friends left for his hometown cause he stays nearby. The rest of us came back on campus, spoke for a while and went our separate ways.

So yes, overall I'd consider this as a very successful outing.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now