20 April, 2023.

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It's not even been 2 weeks since I started the internship but I already feel like I'm stuck in a sad routine of home-office-home.

I guess a couple of things that contribute to this frustration are:
a. I haven't yet adjusted to the dead route that I have to take to and from my PG.
b. They've given us a lot of data and I'm still not able to get my head around it.
c. I haven't been able to "network" with the employees
d. My work timings are long but my progress doesn't justify it
e. Some of my college mates in other companies get done early and are able to get their me time/time to explore in the evening and at night

So today when I got done around 8:30PM, I just NEEDED to go somewhere other than my PG. Kristen answered my call (pun intended) and we decided to meet up at a popular area of the city within an hour.

This side of the city made me feel SO much more comfortable than the area I currently live/work in. It felt like one of the places back in my hometown. There was more "life" here, if you know what I mean. So I already felt better after coming to this place and just walking to Kristen and I's meet up spot.

The restaurant we had picked turned out to be a pub with loud music but the two of us wanted to talk so we decided to go someplace else. We contemplated going to a sushi place and almost went to the sophisticated desert place right in front of us but ended up settling for a Spanish joint instead.

And great choice! We had soup, pasta, and stir fried veggies with a non-alcoholic drink and it was so goooood! I let my frustrations and so did she. Ultimately we were able to calm down and just have a fun time together.

Neither of us wanted to go home and I considered crashing at her place for the night but decided against it cause I have to go office tomorrow and it'll just be too hectic.

Again, I'm so glad I can have this female be there for me whenever I need her.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now