30 April, 2022 - NM #14

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Nostalgic Manuscripts #14

In 2016, around the time I started this journal, there were a couple of interesting self retrospective sessions held by my under-grad college. Following are my answers to one of the questionnaires they'd made us fill.

1. Name one of your traits that you want to pass onto your children.
Ans. Kindness

2. List 2 of the most important people in your life.
Ans. My brother, my father

3. List two words to describe each of them
Ans. Brother - smart, entertaining
Father - comforting, forgiving, calm

4. Imagine you have your own country, what one word would you use to describe the guiding principle or motto of this country? "In ____ we trust."
Ans. Humility

5. What's the one thing for which you will be willing to risk your life?
Ans. My brother

6. What are the 2 qualities you look for in a life partner?
Ans. Trustworthy, helpful

7. Describe yourself in one word.
Ans. Kind

8. If you could achieve only one thing by the end of your life what would it be?
Ans. Satisfaction

9. If there were just 2 rules in life that everyone should follow what would they be?
Ans. Never be rude to anyone.
Respect yourself

10. Think of one person you admire the most. Why?
Ans. My father. Supportive, pillar of strength, encouraging

11. Summarise your list of values into 2-3 values
Ans. Kindness - myself
Supportive - my father

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