9 July, 2022.

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Today I went out again, with some different people.

After attending a lone 3:15PM class tho. I did not have a busy schedule today yet I found myself rushing to be there on time. I slept a little in efforts to better my health. Then started getting ready for class. Later my roommate told me about the short window within which they were distributing library cards and I ran to get that (cause I hadn't forgotten to collect it yesterday and this was my second chance).

It took them quite some time to look for and give me my card that I was a couple mins late to class. If this was any other faculty I wouldn't have been allowed to enter but this professor seems sweet (for now). I learnt a new formula in class today.

After class, I quickly came back to my room, changed bags and left for today's plan. This one was with of my classmate's groups. We went to watch Thor: Love & Thunder. Very decent movie. The excess humour put me off I think. Then we went to have dinner at a rooftop restaurant and had some chicken tikkas and Hyderabadi biryani. The food was too good! Thereafter we went to a next door pub for a bit, watched an unexpected belly dancing performance and started our journey back to college.

When we reached college, we got to know that the in timings have changed. What the hell? We were never informed about this. The guards asked us to mail the Student Council for permission. Damnit, I didn't want any of this shit on record. This is unfair but I guess I gotta deal with it now.

As for the people I spent the day with, I was okay/got along with all of them except this one female. She seemed like an immature drama queen with a direct, borderline bossy attitude. I don't think I can spend a lot of time with her at one time. And that's a first after coming here. In fact today was the first time I went back to being a quiet follower in the group. This should also change.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now