3rd June, 2023.

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My 2 month Summer Internship finally came to a close yesterday. It was a very fruitful 2 months where I met lovely people, had a good time with them and learnt a lot! My final review wasn't a good as I had expected it to be but hopefully, they're able to recognise my efforts and give me a chance to work with them again.

For the time being, my vacations have finally begun! It was so longggg overdue. And what a better way to start it than go for a trip with your parents (which was also long overdue)?

This is our first trip after Alex moved out of the country so it's definitely going to feel different but this trip is going to give the 3 of us time to bond so that's great!

My parents had actually come down to the city on 1st June itself but since I was busy with my final week and the big review, it was decided that they would come to my place today, help me move out and then I'd join them on their trip.

So they came over in the morning, mom helped me pack whatever was left and after bidding my roommate adieu, we left for Mysore!

It was a road trip throughout and it took us a couple of hours to reach our hotel. It's a really nice hotel but we had to wait for quite some time to get a room.

Usually, when dad plans for trips, he takes eateries into consideration too. This time, he had asked me to partake in planning as well but unfortunately I wasn't able to. Turns out dad still didn't plan it and wanted me to take the baton real time.

So for lunch, I wanted to take my parents out to a South Indian restaurant that I had come across on some vlogs. However, it was shut so we walked and went to a nearby restaurant instead. The food was nice but the service was slightly questionable. But I guess that's how restaurants here work?

We came to our room, got settled in. Then head out in the evening to explore the nearby market and got some fruits and Mysore Pak. We walked quite a bit today. I liked it.

It was well past 9PM by this point but somehow we couldn't find a good big eatery around. Which I found very strange. We ended up having dosa at a small eatery that we chanced upon. And then took some beer to have a chill night. ;)

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now