9 May, 2023.

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I was supposed to reach at 9 today but ended up reaching by 9:45. My seniors didn't seem to have a problem tho.

They sent me 2 files to work on and completed them and got them reviewed.

For lunch I decided to sit with the other people from my college who are there in the same firm but in a different dept. I did that because I hadn't connected with my teammate in a long time but I guess that was a good thing. I did not feel welcome with this set of people at all. I'm better off with my fellow interns.

After coming back from lunch, I had back to back meetings and all of them were successful. In my previous pod I was mostly tagged with one person (Diego) for my entire tenure there. But in this pod, I'll be given work by two teams.

One team is giving me work on similar lines as the project I had undertaken at my previous pod. While there are new expense as well as revenue related projects with the other team. My days are going to be packed!

The good thing is I'm able to grasp things faster now. I'm not as clueless as I used to be. In case I don't burn out, I do see myself completing the projects.

My catch up also seemed to well today. Previous catch ups were kinda awkward cause I didn't really have any questions to ask and it was majorly a monologue from the senior's end. But today, I was able to ask more questions and hold a conversation with the female. So that's good progress.

I had a long call with my Diego and I'm really really thankful for this dude. The entire time I worked with him, he kept thinking about how I could capitalize on my internship rather than how much work he could spawn off to me. I feel like we've built a good relation now.

I ended up agreeing to a really really tight deadline. So I'm going to have to go to office tomorrow even though it's a holiday.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now