12 November, 2023.

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Happy Diwali!🪔✨

It really feels nice to be home during this festival.

I woke up by 7:30 AM for our Diwali ritual of applying 'utna' before going for a bath and breaking 'rakshas' (karit fruit) with our toe followed by a small 'ovarna'.

Usually we wear traditional on this day but since I was going to be cafe hopping today, I didn't. I instead wore an outfit that I had reserved for my PPO party that never happened. But my body has grown since and I wasn't really happy with my look. But it's okay...

I had a breakfast plan with Kristen and Venus but I underestimated how long Indian traditions are and I was 2 hours late.

It was around 9:30 AM when mom, dad and I left from home. We first visited the temple. As usual there was a throng of (mostly school/college going) people in the temple. Unlike usual, we didn't spend time standing in the line to get a proper darshan nor did we sit there for a bit after taking darshan. Sorry parents and thank you for being so understanding!

We then went to that part of the city where I usually meet these 2 cuties. We decided to go to this popular vintage eatery where none of us had ever been before.

It felt soooo gooood meeting these twooo! Especially back in my hometownnnnn!

The cafe had cute interiors, I liked the vibe. Since the two were already almost done with their meal, I had to finish my big serving of mushroom truffle toast on my own. It tasted really delicious tho! Plus it's always a good chat with these two. Venus left to go to her dad's office aarti and soon after, Kristen and I also got done with the place. We walked for a bit around the area. Then we walked all the way back to Kristen's place.

I met her parents, freshened up there and then left to go to another part of the city to meet my school friends! Emily and Marissa stay out of town now (mostly for masters) so it was Mia, Mikayla, Nova and me today. We met up at yet another cute cafe which has a nice story behind it and had the nicestttt bunch of employees serving us.

Since I had already had food at the previous cafe, I resorted to sharing some pancakes and potato crips. The four of us talk a lotttt! We gave each other updates about our lives - current life, plans for the immediate future, our highlights for the year, love life and more. Topics branched to so many things and I really liked each one of it.

One thing that I did not like was I got really conscious of my body when I was with them. Nova and Mikayla have model like petite but strong bodies and Mia has a thick but flat stomached body. I was the only bulky one and that thought kept intruding especially when we started taking pictures.

Anyway, we took multiple pictures and then went our separate ways. After coming back home, I cleared my phone of some data that I didn't require. Then got dressed up again and went to Uncle D's house for our customary family get-together!

There, we ordered a couple of dishes in addition to our traditional poha meal. Had a good time with the fam which included some video calls too! Yay!

God, I'm absolutely loving this visit!

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now