14 April, 2023.

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There is no concept of Friyay here.

Instead, it turned out to be the longest day of the week.

Diego comes to office late and stays till late. However, since I am an intern, I am expected to come to office with the other interns and stay until he is in office. I don't mind it, tbh. It's just that this week I had the luxury of having my free delicious meals at the hotel and today was going to be my last day (at least for dinner) to enjoy that.

And yes, I missed out on that wonderful dinner. I knew I wouldn't have been able to make it to the hotel on time so I called Steffani up to see if she'd go out for dinner with me. Oh yes, I think I forgot to mention this. Steffani is also interning in the same city but just like Kristen, her office is a bit away so we couldn't look for PGs together.

Anyway, Steffani hadn't had her dinner and agreed to meet me.

I first went to my room, freshened up and then went to Steffani's hotel. They weren't very strict with their visitor checking so I could easily sneak in and go to her room. Steffani got ready and then we went to a nearby pub. The food was nothing great but the view was AMAZEEEE!

We intended to have a good catch up session but were interrupted by a creepy guy who was sat right next to our table. He kept meddling in our business - asked us multiple times to take care of his bag whilst he went to the loo, kept trying to talk to us, etc. He seemed very off. The staff tried to calm us down by saying that he's a regular and has some mental issues but that doesn't excuse his advances.

At the end, when we were done with our meals and were paying the bill, he kept pestering the staff to get done with us fast. It was quite unsettling. Steffani and I bolsted out of the pub as soon as we got done with the payment and kept brisk walking until we were sufficiently away from the pub and didn't notice anyone following. Man, this town is crayyyyy

We went back to her hotel. Since it was so easy to get into the hotel and she had an extra bed to spare, we made an impromptu plan of having a sleep over at her place. And that's how I now find myself staying the night with my real roommate.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now