27th Jan: The Temptress

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Date: Tuesday 27th January 2015
Style: Free Verse
Title: The Temptress

Eve was weak, and yes, she liked it
Red apples all round
Red and juicy
The temptress has been gifted with beauty
Men are weak and lustful
She batters her eyelids seductively
And they crowd round her like dogs
Pandering to her every whim
She is never without the things she wants
Stamps her feet when she doesn't get her own way
Cries if that doesn't work
Makes false allegations if need be
But it doesn't always work
The temptress isn't always believed
And I don't want your red juicy apples
For you see
I'm gay
Still she cries out
Unable to control her nature
She holds out a gift to you, pleading
"Would you like a red juicy apple?"

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