7th Apr: I Left My Poem At Home

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Date: Tuesday 7th April 2015
Style: Free Verse
Title: I Left My Poem At Home

I left my poem at home
So please except these words instead
Erm, I'd give you a drawing I did of you
But the dog ate it and retired to his bed

I left my poem at home
Was the deadline really today?
I wanted to tell you how I felt about you!
Now I won't be able to, no way!

I left my poem at home
My computer crashed and I couldn't print it out!
Please don't call me a liar
There is no need to scream and shout!

I left my poem at home
I've been consumed by repainting the church
It's all that extra-curricular volunteer work I do
Sorry to leave you in the lurch!

I left my poem at home
I've been so ill I thought I was going to die
You know how reliable I am usually
I'm not the kind of person to lie

I left my poem at home
Okay, so I didn't get around to writing it
But when I sat down to describe the wonder of you
I couldn't find words beautiful enough that would fit

I left my poem at home
So please except these words instead
It just wasn't up to scratch to convey to you
The thoughts and feelings in my head

Poetry 365 Challenge: A Poem A Day - 2015Where stories live. Discover now