12th Jan: Monday

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Date: Monday 12th January 2015
Style: Rhyming Couplets
Title: Monday
Note: This series of poems 'Monday to Sunday' quote various songs in the first line of each verse, see if you can spot them all.

Monday, monday, so good to me, I think not
The weekend always goes to soon
Monday's child is fair of face, what rot
I just wanna stay in bed and spoon

Rainy days and monday's always get me down
The early rise, the tired commute
Today, you're going to be the best worker in town
I'm sorry, this does not compute

New moon on Monday, potential disappointment - vast
'Monday' comes from 'Monenday' meaning 'moon day'
A day when some people fast
Escape by winning the lottery seems the only way

Manic monday, your dreams continue to rot
Second day of the week if you're religious
First day of the week if you're not
Can be negitively prodigious

I don't like Monday's at all I'm afraid
Cyber monday with no money to spend
Black monday for me without aid
No weapon for me to fend

Poetry 365 Challenge: A Poem A Day - 2015Where stories live. Discover now