8th Jan: Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk?

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Date: Thursday 8th January 2015
Style: Free Verse
Title: Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk?

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

And why does it cry fowl play?

When it is neither a goose or a turkey

And it's certainly not Christmas Day.

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

The mad hatter asked Alice this riddle

"Your hair wants cutting" he carried on

And whistled to an invisible fiddle

The Internet says:

...as a group they are both responsible for many murders?

Although a group of Ravens is an 'Unkindness'. A group of Crows is a 'Murder'.

Easy. A writing desk is a rest for pens and a raven is a pest for wrens.

Poe wrote on both

Because there is a 'b' in both and an 'n' in neither

Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!

Because neither is ever approached without caws

Alice was perplexed by this rudeness

The mouse wrote a song in his head

It was, "Living Next Door To Alice"

Well, who the **** is Alice?

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