7th Jun: Everything Means Something

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Date: Sunday 7th June 2015
Style: Rhyming Couplets
Title: Everything Means Something

Everything means something
I don't believe in coincidences
I measure their relative occurrence,
Of these strange faithful incidences

Everything that happens is for a reason
In this I never used to believe
But after the things I've had to witness
In doubt; I cannot conceive

Everything means something
A slight. A look. A glance
Everything you do is clocked up
Concrete for their stance

Yes, it's a one way street
Everything they do is meaningless
You're reading too much into it
You loose the battle with your peevishness

Because, everything means something
Juxtaposition. Contradictory.
A human game of chess you see.
And you are just a pawn in their victory.

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