22nd Jan: The Yearning

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Date: Thursday 22nd January 2015
Style: Free Verse
Title: The Yearning

A gentle touch that caresses
A cheeky smile that reaches the eyes
A secret embrace in a doorway
The lovers arms, simply there to hold you, and never let you go

An understanding ear
A mouth that never scolds you
Eyes that never judge harshly
Expression of eternal understanding and support

The harsh reality and unbending truth
The yearning inside so deep and strong
So obvious to others, your sad eyes
Dreaming of Prince Charming, dreaming your life away

Yet, he must exist, you can't be the only one who feels this way, surely?
You can't be the only one with a heart up on a shelf?
Are damsels in distress in far greater numbers than heroes to rescue them?

The Yearning, a burning desire
You wish you could switch it off
Like you've never been kissed
It's like lover repellent

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