6th Mar: Exoplanet

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Date: Friday 6th March 2015
Style: Rhyming Couplets
Title: Exoplanet

The darkest planet we know
Reflecting only 1% light
So hot it glows menacingly red
Scientists don't know why it's darker than night

55 Cancrie e
A planet made of diamond
Twice the size of Earth
But at 40 light years away
We're unlikely to mine it's worth

Gliese 436 b
A planet made of burning ice
Compressed so much it can never melt
Fire rages at 439 degrees Celsius
Against our instincts this is felt

HD 189773b
Where it rains constant glass sideways
Hot silicon particles, 4000mph storms
Not a place you'd like to stranded
Thank goodness this isn't Earth norms

Being slowly eaten alive by its star
No longer a sphere but an prolate one
Like a giant egg the size of Jupiter
Hope? This place has none!

Gliese 581 c
Tidal locked to its red dwarf star
One side of the planet will fry you alive
The other side will freeze you dead
But at the terminator life could thrive

1.9 times larger than Jupiter
Theoretically should not exist
Low density, high radius 'puffy planet'
It's big and lite, you get the gist?

HD 188753 Ab
Like Tatooine but with three Suns
Triple shadows stretching around you
Beautiful sunrise and sunsets
But it's a Hot Jupiter, what to do?

GJ 1214b
A Mini Neptune or a Super Earth?
Likely to be an entirely water world
Yes, like the one in film 'Interstellar'
The mountain sized waves unfurled

Kepler 438b
0.88 on the Earth similarity index
It could be a home away from home
A rocky world so familiar to us
Let's warp drive to the Goldilocks zone!

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