17th Jan: Saturday

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Date: Saturday 17th January 2015
Style: Rhyming Couplets
Title: Saturday

Saturday's Child is loving and giving, a lot
Seventh day of the week if you're religious
Sixth day of the week if you're not
Might be a morning of hangover, blackout, memory ficticious

Saturday Night Forever!, We know that it's not gonna last
Saturday comes from "dies Saturni" meaning "Saturn's Day" - God of the Golden Age
Get it whilst it's good, don't build up future regrets of the past
But what do I know, I'm no oracle, no sage!

Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting, so they say
And we are decended from animals, in excrement
But don't blame the working class, no way
We are all products of enforced environment

Saturday In The Park, we've been waiting such a long time
But there is always that chance of rain
Invisible rainclouds, distant potential thunder chime
Always ready to pounce, ready to dish out the pain

Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
But for now I'm forcing a smile
Trying to believe in hope and what's right
Waiting for you to twist my dial

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