21st Jan: Outrage Culture

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Date: Wednesday 21st January 2015
Style: Free Verse
Title: Outrage Culture

Everyone is so offended these days
Up in arms about the slightest thing
Outraged by the smallest comment
Demanding apologies, make 'em sing!

I'm so sorry, over the following:
I wore an Hawaiian shirt with naked ladies on
Being a stand up comedian and making jokes
Obama saluting marines holding a latte in his hand

There are many more tiresome examples

Do, do pretend to care for the sake of social media

Create a meme to suit your agenda

Salute the rise of the 'Outrage Culture'

Maybe you'd prefer to watch dogs welcoming returning soldiers home
Or cats who hate their owners singing, making them whine and moan

In the meantime, create a rage spiral on Twitter
Smear your digital dirty protest all across Facebook
And whatever other form of social shitter
You find to be your nook

Everyone is so afraid to speak their mind now as a result
Congratulations on helping destroy freedom of speech and expression
Keep policing each other and foaming at the mouth
Please don't complain when you realize your own repression!

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