15th Feb: Fall In Line

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Date: Sunday 15th February 2015
Style: Free Verse
Title: Fall In Line

You can't fight the man
So don't even try
Fall in line

There is no point digging
Looking into conspiracies
Searching for some truth
You can't fight the man, don't even try
Fall in line

There is no point in the union
You're better off a company man
Accept the hand that's dealt
You can't fight the man, don't even try
Fall in line

Freedom of speech is fine
As long as you're not stepping on toes
Better self-censor your opinions
You can't fight the man, don't even try
Fall in line

Work hard
Pay tax
Then die
You can't fight the man, don't even try
Fall in line

I fell in line slowly, over time
Now I'd like my black uniform tailored
Fitted with pride, and I order you;
Fall. In. Line.

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