Date: Monday 2nd March 2015
Style: Rhyming Couplets
Title: Swipe Left, Swipe RightI wouldn't know what to do with you
Swipe left, swipe left
A moment of weakness, of hope
Swipe right, swipe rightAt the age where men want to take advantage
Having to realise I'm not part of their tribe
Escorts, criminals and opportunists chase me now
Vulcherism is their vibeI wouldn't know how to talk to you
Swipe left, swipe left
At least you're my age and sorted
Swipe right, swipe rightSelling myself short without confidence
Without self esteem or self respect
Too old to be someone's concubine
Fruitless encounters I have trekkedI wouldn't expect it to end any other way
Swipe left, swipe left
The yearning, that pitiful hope again
Swipe right, swipe rightThat old hope driving us on, keeping us alive
Those persistent dreams keeps knocking around our heads
We're lucky that they thriveI don't know what the future will bring
Only that I'll keep swiping left and right through life
Poetry 365 Challenge: A Poem A Day - 2015
PoetryThe challenge is simple. Write a poem a day in 2015. Collect them together in one book. There are no prizes other than self achievement and fun! There are no hard rules to style or content. Heck, if you only manage one poem a week that's ok as well...