Chapter 3

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The next day, I woke up, got dragged around via my pigtails by my mom, and headed to school. Rubbing my head, I made my way up the mountain to the E-class building only to be met by a smirking red-headed devil.

"Hey Karma-kun, you need something?" I asked half-heartedly.

"What, a man can't just hang out with his best friend, Nagisa-chan?" Karma sarcastically replied, a fake pout covering his smirk.

"Not you, Karma-kun, and don't call me -chan. I'm a guy!" I semi-shouted at him.

"Oi, no need to get so hostile! Just wanted to ask what you and Kayano were doing yesterday." He said, a devious glint in his eyes.

"Nothing." I quickly tried to shut down his advance.

"Oh really? Then what's this?" He shoved a photo of me yesterday, red as a tomato, holding Kayano's hand.

"D-delete that! There's nothing happening! Just 2 friends eating lunch!" I tried to grab his phone out of his hand, but he just held it up in the air, out of my reach. Damn him and his height!

"If you say so..." he relented for now. "Anyways, got to head off to class now. Bye!" And he left as soon as he came.

'Glad that's over.' But his conversation made me wonder why I was so embarrassed. 'Eh, probably nothing. I'm sure all boys blush when any girl touches their hand.' So I brushed it off as if it were nothing, and went on with my day as usual.

'Hmm, I wonder how Kayano-san is doing...'

Kayano POV
Today, I woke up, unfazed by yesterday's events. I took a shower, ate some breakfast, and headed out to school. I saw Karma talking to Nagisa halfway up the mountain, a faint pink on my cheeks as I thought about the bluenette.

When I went inside, I was approached by Nakamura, weird since she basically never talked to me alone.

"Good morning, Kay-a-no!" She said teasingly

"What do you want, Nakamura?" I asked, already annoyed

"Wellll, I just wanted an explanation... for this!" She shoved a photo of me blushing while holding Nagisa's hand.

"Why do you have that?! Delete it!" I stuttered, a blush on my face.

"Oh my my! What do we have here! Blushing again! I wonder... does Kayano have a crush?!" She smirked

"No we're just friends!" I shouted. 'But he is nice- No remember why you're here!' "It was just 2 friends eating lunch!"

"Mmhmm, if you say so..." Nakamura shrugged. "Anyways looks like the octopus is here! Tease you later!"

'Finally, she went away.' But her conversation made me think about Nagisa. 'Why did I blush when I held his hand? No matter. I'll grow my friendship and use him to kill that murderer!' I thought, subconsciously sending a death glare at Koro-sensei before shrugging it off quickly. I didn't want to give away my bloodlust too quickly.

During class, my thoughts began to wander since I already knew most of the content. 'I wonder how Nagisa is doing...'


Nagisa POV
The next week was pretty calm for me. My mom was away on a business trip which meant no pain for me. That is until she came home.

"Hello, Nagisa! I'm home!" my mom shouted as she entered the house.

"Hi mom." I replied meekly

"How is my beautiful daughter doing?" She smiled at me. 'So it's one of those days'

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