Chapter 1

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A/N: Will have some abuse, I'll put a warning if you need to skip it. Will only be this chapter and chapter 3. Don't let it turn you away. The rest of the story is fluffy Nagikae goodness!


Nagisa POV (First Day of 3-E)
For the first time in a long time, I was ecstatic! Sure I was put in the "end class", but I think I had found a few friends there. Plus, can't forget about the Mach 20 super-creature that is our teacher. With him, every day was bound to be interesting. (Not to mention my life finally has purpose...)

Yet, none of that was the best thing to happen to me today. That title would have to go to a certain green-haired girl. Kayano Kaede. I have her to thank for my new hairstyle and a new friend. (Plus, she's kinda cute...No Nagisa, Bad Nagisa!)


A few days later, Terasaka and his gang approached me at lunch, wanting to use me as part of their assassination plan. I agreed, even with their rather cryptic details. I was just happy to be useful for once.

We were in class now, and it was time to enact the plan. After Koro-sensei gave us an assignment to do, I got up, a paper concealing my knife. I walked up to him.

"Nufufu, done already Nagisa?" I just smiled at him, lunging with my knife. Expectedly, he just dodged it. Fortunately, no one could predict what I'd do next. I leaned into him and Terasaka pressed a trigger


I heard the cheers of him and his gang, but all I felt was goo. Was this death? At least I could be useful.

But then I saw a light and realized that I was still alive. I tried to move my hands, my body trapped in something.

Turns out Koro-sensei had molt his skin to protect me from the explosion. It was just a toy grenade, but it also had some gunpowder in it. I definitely could have died.

Koro-sensei scolded us for not caring about my safety. I didn't even care about my safety. When I started walking back to my desk, I was grabbed tightly and pulled into a bear hug.

"Don't ever do that again!! I was so scared!" Kayano yelled. Her scolding hit me more than Koro-sensei's. 'I guess someone would care if I died, even if I didn't'

I spent the rest of the day thinking about everything that had happened in this first week. To think that there were people who cared and fun to be had, it brought a smile to my face.

Sadly, all my joy started to slip away as I approached my front door. I quickly remembered what was waiting for me at home, and a chill went down my spine.

Me and Karma had met up after school to hang out, but we ended up staying out a little past my curfew. Also, there was no telling how she would react to my new hairstyle. But I couldn't delay it any further, else I risk making my punishment even worse.

I slowly turned the handle, regretting the hellstorm that I'd meet inside: My mother.


When I opened the door, all I could see were my mom's deranged, furious eyes framed by her blue hair. It seems I caught her on one of her worse days. After swiftly closing the door, I braced myself for pain that was to ensue.

"Who do you think you are, staying out late?!!" my mom screamed at me. "You are such a disobedient daughter! Why won't you just listen to your loving mother?!"

"I'm sorr-" I tried to apologize, only to be cut off by a swift slap to the face, sending me to my knees.

"SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!! You, my beautiful daughter, keep going against my wishes!" She yelled, her tone softening when she addressed me as her daughter only to return to its fury moments later. "See! Look at this! What's with this new hairstyle? Why can't you leave your hair down like the beautiful girl you are?!"

"I'm so sor-" Again I tried to apologize, this time stopped by a shove to the ground.

Before I knew it, she had taken off my pants, exposing my bottom half. I knew what was coming now, and I braced for the pain.

"See! What is this?!" she said, sending a swift kick to my privates. "You're such a bad daughter! All I wanted was a beautiful, obedient daughter! And I got this...this...uselessness!!!!"

All the while she had been digging her heels into my penis and crushing my balls. I writhed on the floor in pain, crying and trying to escape her grasp.

She noticed and pressed down harder. "You don't get to leave. This is what you get for being such a disobedient daughter!" She continued to dig, her heels leaving a mark in my skin.


After what felt like an eternity of pain, she released me, sending me to my room without food. I slowly showered and took care of my pain, limping slightly.

I stood by the window, taking in the fresh night breeze. As I breathed in deeply, a pain shot up my groin, reminding me of everything that had happened. 'One day someone will appreciate me for the man I am.'

After awhile, I slowly went to my bed, trying to hide the pain I was in. I fell asleep, exhausted from the day. And despite all that had happened and all the pain I was feeling, my dreams were good ones, about a certain green-haired girl.


And that's where I'll leave off Chapter 1! Feel free to leave grammar corrections or chapter ideas below!
Arigato gozaimasu!
- T


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