Extra: Yuki in Love

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Nagisa POV
"Daddy, I have a question" Yuki, now 9 years old, tapped my shoulder.

"Yeah, what about? I'm sure I can help!" I said, turning my chair to face her.

"Well, uh, what does it mean if you feel nervous around someone and your face gets all hot around them...like mainly in my cheeks?" She asked looking down, a little embarrassed.

"That just means you have a crush! No need to be embarrassed! Everyone has crushes. Even I have a crush on mommy! She so pretty it makes my cheeks hot!" I said, smiling and tilting her head up with my hands.

"Really? Thanks daddy!" She hugged me and ran out of my office with a big smile on her face.


"Dad, um, I have a question..." Yuki gently knocked on my office door before coming in. She was now 15, same age I was back in 3-E.

"Sure, shoot!"

"Well, you remember the conversation about crushes we had a few years back?" Oh, so it was about her love life. I put down my pen and turned towards her where she stood in the doorway. I nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"Uh, recently, uh, what does it mean if I feel something different around the person? When I'm with them my heart flutters. My face turns red when they touch my hand. And when I'm away from them, I feel, I don't know, like empty? And all I think about is how I don't want to leave their side." She said, explaining her "symptoms."

"Sounds like you're in love!" I got up and pulled her into a hug. "I can't believe my baby girl is growing up so fast!" I kept her in the hug for a long while, despite her squirming.

After awhile, I said, "I want you to try something. Say it in your head, 'I love such and such' or 'I want to marry such and such.' If it doesn't sound weird, then you're probably in love!"

"Yeah it sound natural, like talking to you." She said after thinking for a moment.

"That great! I'm so glad you came to me for this. I thought you might start going to you mom when it comes to love..." I said, pouting a little.

She chuckled at my acting as she walked out. Sticking her head back in the doorframe, she said, "Dont worry. I'll always be daddy's little princess!"


"So Yuki, how was school today?" I asked as we ate dinner.

"Mm, it was good I guess. A lot more boring with onee-chan teaching there." Yuki replied, now in high school.

"That was only for a year and like back in kindergarten! Of course she isn't there anymore!" I complained

"Yeah, doesn't make it any less sad for me though."

"So, any guys you interested in?" Akari asked, out of literally nowhere.

"What?!!" Yuki yelled, spitting out her food. After she calmed down a little, taking a sip of water, she looked at us all serious. "No, well, actually I have something to tell you guys about that."


"Well, uh, I, uh don't actually like guys..."

"Oh well, maybe someday." Akari said, taking another bite of her food.

"No, what I'm trying to say is...uh, I, uh, like...girls..." she said, almost... scared?

"Then let me rephrase that question. Any girls you interested in?" Akari asked.

"Wait, you guys don't care?" She asked, shocked for some reason.

"Not really. Your mom and I are both bisexual." I answered nonchalantly.

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