Chapter 38

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Nagisa POV
"Dad. Dad. Daddy!" A five year old Yuki tugged at my pant leg as I sat at my desk. "When is onee-chan coming?"

"Sakura's busy today, but Kokoro is coming over at 5 to play!" Sakura was busy as a student, deciding to follow in my footsteps and become a teacher. As for Kokoro, she was the Akabane's 5 year old daughter. Turns out that they got pregnant a few months after us, so she was born in March. Yuki and her were close friends, mostly since they were in the same grade.

As for how they became friends, I don't really know. Might have to do with their personalities. Yuki, although a spoiled daddy's girl, had inherited her mother's cheerful personality (and pudding addiction). Kokoro had her father's red hair and yellow eyes, but that was it. She was very shy and soft spoken, just like her mother. Supposedly, Yuki had approached her at one of the 3-E parties and they'd been friends ever since.

"Daddy, I'm bored. Can you play with me?" She pouted, using her mom's famous puppy dog eyes.

"Not right now, I'm a little busy" I mumbled, trying my best not to get trapped in her gaze.

"B-but I wants to play with you... I-I so lonely when you work..." she said, tears collecting in her eyes. I couldn't bear to see my baby cry, so I gave in.

"Ok, ok, I'll play with you. And you can have a cup of pudding too." I said, trying to cheer her up.

"Thanks, daddy!" She ran with a smile, all trace of the tears gone. Looks like Akari was teaching her all of her tricks. Whenever she wanted something (pudding, ice cream, sex), Akari would use the same puppy dog eyes followed by the tears. What's worse is that it worked ever single time. Still does!

The Akabane's came over and the girls started to play while Karma and I talked. Okuda and Akari were both still at work, so we had a few hours to spare. We decided to make dinner for the girls, all four of them. After a nice meal, they slept over in the guest bedroom. Kokoro and Yuki had a sleepover, the sound of giggles filling the hallway until they fell asleep at 9:30. It was great to just hang out with some friends.


Short chapter! But I did tell you the rest of the chapters will be short for the sake of making an even number of chapters. The next chapter will be the second to last.
Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are always welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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