Chapter 35

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Nagisa POV
It was now December, and Akari was due any day now. So, to get ready, we packed some "go bags" and put them everywhere: in the house, in both cars, at my moms house, anywhere we frequented. We wanted to be as prepared as possible when the baby came.

At the same time, it was finals week for my students. I was busy working on personalized practice tests for each of them and holding tutoring sessions after school. I wanted to have my students do as well as possible. Who knows, maybe they could make the top 30!

All that aside, a few days before Christmas, Karma decided to host a 3-E holiday party. We had all gotten off work for the week, so he scheduled the party for the 20th at his house.

Akari and I got dressed up, me in a shirt and vest and her in a loose dress. Since it was more comfortable for her, we took her SUV, and I drove us there. When we got to Karmas house, we buzzed in and he let us up.

"Wow Karma! You own the penthouse?" I asked once we got in.

"No I own the entire building, so I live here sometimes." He replied nonchalantly.

Our jaws dropped to the floor. "You own the building?!"

"Yeah, and I just rent it out along with my other buildings."

"Nani?! Multiple buildings?!" We were flabbergasted.

"Don't think about it too much! Just enjoy the party!" Karma said as he walked off, presumably to find Okuda. We took his advice and joined in on the fun, eating, mingling, just enjoying time with our old classmates. At 8 PM, Karma opened up the dance floor, so when a slow song came on, I took Akari's hand and asked. her for a dance.

As we slow-danced, gazing into each other's eyes, others started to come onto the dance floor with their partners. I didn't realize though since, although hanging with them was fun, Akari's eyes were much more captivating.

"Wow, Akari! Sweating that much from a little dance?" Karmas comment broke us both out of our trance.

We looked down, ad indeed there was a puddle of water on the ground. But it was pretty big.

"Nagisa, that's not sweat..."

"Yeah, I kno-"

"I think my water broke"

"Let's go then!" I jumped into action. I slowly walked Akari to the elevator then the car. I helped her in then climbed into the back. I could help her during the ride since Karma volunteered to drive us to the hospital.

I took Akari's hand in mine, gently squeezing it to let he know I was here for her. A contraction came, Akari squeezing my hand tightly. I helped her with her breathing, trying to calm her down a little and ease the pain.

As we drove to the hospital, the contractions came quicker and quicker, lasting longer each time. I was right there next to her, letting her squeeze my hand as I wiped her forehead and walked her through the breathing exercises.

When we got to the hospital, Karma barged in for us. I was holding Akari bridal style, her legs far too weak to stand right now.

"We need help! She's going into labor!" Karma yelled out.

"How far apart are the contractions?" a nurse answered our call.

"5 minutes. And I'm the father." I replied.

"Ok, we need to get her to a room stat." The nurse ran off to get a gurney. As we stood there, another contraction came, Akari squeezing my hand really tight. The nurse came back, and I laid her on the gurney, not letting her hand go. A few others came, pushing it to the room before transferring her to the bed.

Maybe 30 minutes had passed, and the contractions kept getting worse. Finally a doctor came in to do the delivery. He and his team got the room prepped as Akari and I waited. Akari's hand was still in mine, so I gave it a little squeeze to let her know she wasn't alone. Eventually the doctor started to guide her through the process.

Time Skip (because I have no idea how delivery works)

"One last push, ok?" The doctor instructed. "Alright. 3, 2, 1, push!" Akari pushed one last time, screaming out as she squeezed my hand. In a flash, the doctors snipped the umbilical cord and went to clean off the baby, taking measurements and such. Akari panted, breathing heavily as she started to recover from the pain. Before we knew it, the doctor came back with our baby all wrapped up in a blanket.

"Congratulations on your baby girl!" He said, handing me the baby.

"It's a girl, Akari!" (We had decided not to know the gender. We wanted it to be a little bit of a surprise). I looked at the baby in my arms. She had a small tuft of blue hair just like mine. "She's beautiful, Akari"

I handed her our baby. "Yes, she is." Akari hugged the baby to her chest by the doctor's recommendation. Something about her heartbeat.

"I know we had decided on Kiyoko," Akari started, "but I have a better name. Miyuki. Look outside, you'll see."

Indeed, when I looked out the window, it was snowing pretty hard, a foot of snow already on the ground. "Miyuki, deep snow. It's perfect" I rubbed her tiny head.

"Welcome to the world, Shiota Miyuki"


I'm back! Hope you liked this chapter! I know it was a little short, but that's probably how the rest of the chapters are going to be.
Speaking of, I'm estimating maybe another 5 chapters. I like even numbers, so 40 chapters is probably good.
Anyways, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are always welcome below!
Arigato gozaimasu!


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