Chapter 27

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Nagisa POV
There was about a month left before my first day at Keisetsu University, so I was looking for a place to live. Unfortunately, the school was quite popular, so on-campus housing was a lottery, which I didn't win. One upside is that I wouldn't have to pay room and board, so the overall cost would be less.

But right now I was still looking for an apartment. I would've lived at home, but it's too far away. I'd have to get a car or wake up a few hours earlier. The issue was that I was only looking for a small one room apartment. I didn't really know anyone at Keisetsu, so a roommate was out of the question. Without a roommate, there's no way I could afford to rent a place bigger than one room.

Sadly, all of the small apartments were either run down (water damage, rats, bugs. Yeah no thanks. I'd rather walk) or too expensive. As I was walking to the next listing, I got a call.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Nagi, are you free? I need some help packing stuff to go to my new apartment." Akari asked from the other end.

"I'm just on my way to an apartment listing. You want me to come over?"

"Yeah, and don't worry about the listing. I think I have a way to solve both our problems." She chirped happily. 'Both our problems? What does that mean?'

"Ok then love. I'll be at your house soon. Bye!"

"See you soon honey!" I loved that we could use pet names for each other. Made me feel like a real couple. I kept walking to Akari's apartment, only reaching there at 5 PM.

"Nagisa!" Akari greeted me with a kiss. "How's my favorite blueberry?"

"I'm great, pudding monster!" I teased back, blowing raspberries on her neck, causing her to squirm around laughing. "So what's this about solving both our problems?" I asked, picking up a packed box to bring to the moving truck.

"Well, you're looking for an apartment near your school right?" I nodded. "Well, the apartment I'm moving into is pretty big, and it's close by to Keisetsu. So, why don't you live in with me?"

If there was water in my mouth, it'd be in the floor right now. I put down the box I was carrying before I broke something. "M-move in? T-together? A-as in the t-two of us in the s-same house? We aren't even married yet!" All these years later, I was still shy when it came to relationships.

"Yeah! It's not that crazy. We've been dating for three years now, and we're both adults, right? Plus I practically live at your house right now with how often I stay over!"

"I guess you're right. It doesn't sound to bad either. You know, living with you."

"So Nagisa, will you be my roommate?"

"Of course dear!" I pulled her into a brief kiss. "Let's get packing then!"

We put all the boxes in the truck and hopped into Akari's car. (It was just a Camry, but it was something she bought with the money she earned from working at a pudding shop all through high school). We drove to her new apartment and started moving stuff in.

After bringing everything in, we set up a bedroom and a bathroom with everything that we'd need. Just one of each. We didn't mind sharing a bed; we'd done much worse than sleep next to each other (we'd practically slept in each other).

By the time we finished it was already 11:30. Exhausted from moving in, we made some instant ramen and went to the bedroom to sleep. We fell asleep in each other's arms, ending the night with a passionate kiss.


I woke up to the sun in my eyes and Akari in my arms. I still blushed at the sight of her on my exposed chest. I moved the covers slightly, gently removing her arms from my body. I covered her up again and went to take a shower.

I got out and decided to make breakfast for Akari. I don't know if she remembered, but today was our anniversary of getting together, so I wanted to spoil her.

I went to the kitchen and prepared a full, extravagant breakfast, careful not to wake her up. I put it all on a tray and brought it to the bed only wearing an apron.

"Good morning, Akari." I slowly opened the door, turning around after entering. She sat up and I placed the food on top of her lap. "Happy 7th anniversary..." I whispered into her ear, giving her a kiss.

"Mmm, thank you Nagisa. You're so thoughtful..."

That's right. It was our 7th anniversary. To be honest, it felt like a moment ago that I was moving in with her, getting ready to go to college. Now I was about to start my year as a student teacher while Akari was filming her 3rd season of "Dragonfly." Time really flies.

As I was reminiscing, Akari was digging into the food.

"Hey, thish ish rely good!" She complimented, mouth full.

"Well, then leave some for me!" I scolded her playfully. By the time I got there, she had already eaten half the food. I sat down on the bed, forgetting that I was practically naked.

"Mmm, that was sooooo good Nagisa! Thank you!" Akari complimented as we finished the meal.

"T-thanks, you're welcome..." All these years later and here I was getting flustered at her small compliment.

"But-" she continued. "It is missing something..."

"Really?! Aw man! I tried to make it perfect for you..." I pouted.

"No, no, it's okay. All it was missing was a juicy, thick sausage, and I think I see one right here..." she crawled over to me licking her lips, lifting up the apron to reveal my rapidly hardening dick. "Yes, this will do just fine..."


We came together, ending our impromptu fuck session. I pulled off the now used condom, which was a little light, before cleaning myself off and getting changed. Akari went to take a shower as I fishies up the bed and cleaned the kitchen. She came out wearing just a towel, her hair tied up in a bun, before she gave me a peck on the cheek.

'Man, life is great!' Little did I know how much was going to happen in the weeks to come.


Hey what's up. Hope you liked this chapter. We won't skip around much for a few chapters, we'll be staying within this year.
Also sorry for taking so long. School is starting next week and things are getting busy, so my uploads might get a lot less consistent and a lot less fast. It annoying for me because I want to write but I don't have the time.
I'll let you in on a secret. I actually write mostly at night, like midnight. That's the only free time I have alone. But I don't have my phone on me, so I write on paper. And thanks to my horrible handwriting, transferring those pages onto Wattpad is difficult as fuck. I actually have already finished this story on paper, and I have a lot of other fanfics already written, but because of my time constraints, I can't get them out. It sucks.
Anyways thanks for listening to my rant, but as always, comments, questions, grammar, and ideas are welcome.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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