Chapter 19

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Nagisa POV
A few weeks passed, and things hadn't gotten awkward between Kayano and I. Unfortunately, that was the least of our worries right now.

The government had activated the Spear of Heaven and the Shield of Earth, trapping Koro-sensei up on the mountain. We all tried to go, but we got stopped by reporters who thought we were victims. When we got past them on into the mountain, we were then detained by some government agents. Karasuma came and told us to stay here, but we could tell that's not really what he wanted.

We escaped and made it to Koro-sensei who was still fine, but it seems like we weren't the only ones who made it past the shield.

Right now, Shiro, or should I say Yanagisawa, was here to get revenge with someone he called 2.0

"Since the first reaper was such a success, I decided to get a second one to help me take you down!"

Reaper 2.0 stepped out of the shadows as tentacles enveloped him, covering his arms, his legs, even his face. All that was left was a faceless tentacle monster.

"He is your superior in every way. Faster, stronger, smarter. I'll have him beat you down, then, I'll deal the final blow myself!"

As if waiting for the command, 2.0 attacked. None of us could keep up, the two a blur on the field. The fight kept going, and it seemed like Koro-sensei was losing. Then, Yanagisawa took a syringe and injected himself with the tentacle cells. He joined the fight, pushing back Koro-sensei.

However, Koro-sensei's wealth of experience began to show. He blocked both of their attacks with the minimum effort required. He was winning. Until Yanagisawa targeted us.

2.0 charged up energy in one of his tentacles and pointed it at us. Just as he released it toward us, Koro-sensei stepped in and took the blows. The reaper kept it up, aiming at every part of the class and forcing Koro-sensei to take every blow.

He keeled over and 2.0 took this opportunity. He picked up Koro-sensei with his tentacles, squeezing hard and lifting him into the air.

We were nothing but a hindrance. If it weren't for us, he wouldn't have been hurt like this. He was protecting us.

Koro-sensei's greatest weakness was

Still Koro-sensei yelled his praise. He was proud of us. He didn't think of us as a hindrance. He thought of us as a gift.

Out of nowhere, a gunshot fired, hitting 2.0, causing him to release Koro-sensei from his grip. It was Kayano.

2.0 launched a tentacle, but she dodged it thanks to her kinetic vision.

"I've regretted it the whole time. That I was the reason the truth got out. I ruined our fun times as a a class. So at least...let me protect your student"

I had no idea Kayano was hiding all this regret. All this pain.

Kayano launched an attack. "Don't worry Koro-sensei. You can do anything if you try. You know who taught me that? My sister. And you!"

It was too late. Even with her kinetic vision, her body was too slow to dodge. As she flipped through the air, a tentacle ripped through her body. I stood there in shock.

Koro-sensei crawled over to her. He became furious, flames engulfing his jet black body. The same happened for 2.0 as Yanagisawa injected something into his side, but his flames were purple instead of blue.

Through all of that, I didn't care. I ran up to Kayano. I failed her. I let her die. I didn't notice her pain. I could've stopped her. What kind of friend was I?

I picked up her limp body and gathered the class to run while 2.0 was preoccupied. I looked at Kayano's body in my arms before following after the rest of the class.

In a burst of light, Koro-sensei harnessed all of his emotions, his past, his life all together. In a final send off, Koro-sensei gave his first pupil a peaceful ending.

He sent Yanagisawa flying into the shield, disintegrating his body. Then he gave his student a proper graduation, telling him the one thing the reaper always wanted to hear. Koro-sensei was proud of him.

Or so I was told after the fact. I missed all of it. I was too busy looking at Kayano's dead body. I never got to tell her. I wanted to spend more time with her. Take her on dates. Grow old together. I wanted to tell her that I... I... love her.


Koro-sensei came after the fight ended. I didn't notice. How could I? I was crying. Crying over the loss of my best friend. My first and only love. I felt a tentacle on my shoulder.

"Cry not Nagisa. It is not too late." Koro-sensei reassured me. "I promised myself a I would never let something like this happen ever again, so I learned how to fix such wounds." He pulled a biological looking orb out of his cloak.

"The moment she was impaled, I collected all of her cells. I can put them all back and she will be fine. I just need you to move back for a moment." I couldn't believe it. I moved back and saw thousands of tiny tentacles reconstructing Kayano's body. He finished, leaving us to wait. It may have been seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

A breath. She opened her eyes and took a breath. Before she could think, I was there hugging her, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I thought I lost you...I can't lose you..." I cried into her shoulder. The whole class came and joined us in a group hug.

But we weren't out of the woods just yet.


Cliffhanger! Sorry, but this is just the way chapters end up for equal length and stuff. (Can't have a 2000 word chapter followed by a 300 word one.)
Feel free to leave comments, questions, grammar, and ideas below.
Arigato gozaimasu!


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